By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
R&B singer Trey Songz brags about breaking up relationships in his music quite often, and he’s also been accused of causing problems in real life too.
Now a reality star claims the singer caused some strife between her and her husband.
Click next for the details.
Trey stay hoeing. He’s been a R&B THOT for years. I’m not even surprised he would try to f-ck Kendra married and all. He gives not one single f-ck.
Sigh…Trey can be such a disappointment.
Eww. Kendra? Really? So he goes from Lauren London to Kendra’s crazy a-s. Child I guess.
Mister Steal Your Girl.
Trey ain’t gonna stop until someone royally whoops his a-s. I know he thinks he’s hard but he’s not. He needs to leave people and their relationships alone.
Why am I not surprised?
*blank stare*
I needed to know that like I needed a hole in my head. Anything to hype that lil reality show, huh Kendra?
I see he doesn’t get tired. He’s going to be 50 years old and still thoting.
Trey is a disrespectful hoe…..he isn’t gonna be happy until some1 takes his looks of life away fr the crap he does
I knew that was coming. I saw them on Kocktails w/Khole and he was pretty brazen. I knew Hank would have a fit. The flowers probably added insult to injury. Who does that? She likes to flirt but he embarrassed her.