Columbus Short Takes a Big Step

According to a new report, Columbus Short is heading to rehab after failing a recent drug test.

The Jasmine Brand writes: exclusively reports, Columbus Short is heading to rehab. Last month, the actor/singer tested positive for cocaine and marijuana use and faced a probation violation in a felony assault case.

And now, we’ve exclusively learned that he’s headed to rehab. Sources tell us that he will stay at an outpatient facility in the Los Angeles area for around 4 to 6 months. Per usual, during rehab he will not be able to use any illegal drugs. We’re told that he’ll report a few times a week and will be subject to random drug testing. The former Scandal actor has also been given additional community service to complete. If he violates parole again, he’ll be subject to jail.

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  1. It’s so sad to me how some people sabotage themselves. He could have still been on Scandal.

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