By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Many will credit Jim Jones and his fiancée Chrissy Lampkin for the rise of “Love and Hip Hop.” However, both left the show after the second season, and it’s all because they fell out with Yandy Smith and Mona Scott Young.
In a recent interview, Jim discusses both and he didn’t hold back.
Click next for the details.
Man LHHNY hasn’t been good since they left.
I concur
This is why people need to make sure they understand how business and contracts work. Had he handled his business, he’d be sitting on an empire right now and he wouldn’t even need to be on the show to eat. Now Mona is sitting where he should have been.
I do miss him and Chrissy but outside of LHH, they are boring.
Yeah him and Yandy f-cked.
Yeah I think everyone figured that. Because of how messy she was when it came to Jim and Chrissy…and then she was crying when he fired her….and the way he is speaking validates it lol
I see no lies detected here. I remember an interview or something along those lines where he was talmbout a concept for L&HH.
Mona did them dirty but hey, it’s cutthroat business. You have to protect your ideas.
The good ole days.
I didnt watch the first season, no longer watch now, but instead of them walking around trying to punk and bullie people they should have been handling their business. Chrissy fighting and acting stupid, begging for a marriage that never came and none of them made sure their contracts were correct. He can say what he wants but if its not written on paper it doesnt exist. Cant get mad that he ket the “devil” outsmart him. Streets is street, boardroom is boardroom
I don’t think they needed another reality show when the last one was so dry.
Number 1 I think he in fact did do something with Yandy or at the very least is attracted to her because why comment on the size of her butt after all these year. Why not just say that you do not fawk with her or Mona and be done with it. 2nd I can see why he did not take advantage of the show at it was popular but who knew it would last this long and have this many spinoff shows. Most of these reality shows lose steam after a while.
Damn where has Jim and Chrissy been? Real talk Mona owes them a lot because they made her a huge success. Next time they need to be smarter though and stop letting people come up on their names.
So he still hasn’t married Chrissy after all these years? Tragic.
He’s not going to marry her. She’s making it easy for him not to.