By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
R&B singer Trey Songz was recently put on blast for flirting with a married reality star, but now it appears Trey may have set his sights on another one.
According to reports, he is dating Khloe Kardashian.
Click next for the details.
But I thought Khloe and Lauren London were besties. Lol!!
Khlogre strikes again.
Damn I forgot all about Lauren London being with Trey. I dont know when these chicks going to realize the Kardashians are not their friends smh.
Khloe has done this so many times you would think black women would know better than to be friends with her now.
Trey will really f-ck anyone with a hole.
Eww Trey. He really fell off.
Trey continues to be disappointing. Oh well.
I’m convinced these washed up artists are dating these women for publicity. What else could it be?
Y’all do know that these are in fact rumors right, these so called “eyewitness” didn’t even take a picture or video to back up what they saw. I’m sure that Khloe will get enough of these rumors soon as speak on them once again.
Considering the source who originated this is E news, I’m inclined to think it’s nothing serious for Trey but Kris put it out there to get Khloe some publicity. Same thing happened with Odell.
I really hope this isn’t true. If it is, Trey can kiss what’s left of his career goodbye. The Kardashian curse is real.