Nate Parker’s “Birth of a Nation” was supposed to be a serious contender for the Academy Awards, but his past rape accusations have hurt the film’s chances.
Despite that, Nate Parker still claims he’s innocent and he won’t be apologizing.
VLAD TV writes:
The controversy that has followed Nate Parker since the circumstances surrounding his 1999 rape trial resurfaced last month, gained a head of steam on Thursday [September 29] when a CBS News press release cited the director/producer as having refused to issue an apology over the allegations. The network leaked comments made by Parker in tandem with a teaser for it’s “60 Minutes” feature on him, scheduled to air on Sunday.
“I was falsely accused …I went to court …I was vindicated … I feel terrible that this woman isn’t here … her family had to deal with that, but as I sit here, an apology is ― no,” Parker is quoted as saying. While the 36-year-old actor was acquitted of the four counts he was charged with, certain aspects of the case, including details of a harassment suit which revealed that Parker was involved with exposing his accusers identity to the hostility of students around the Penn State University campus, have been viewed as alarming by rape victims and their advocates. During the “60 Minutes” interview, CBS correspondent Anderson Cooper asked Parker if he felt “morally wrong” for his association with the charges, and his subsequent behavior as it pertained to the accuser. “As a Christian man, just being in that situation, yeah, sure. I’m 36 years old right now, and my faith is very important to me. So looking back at that lens, I definitely feel like, it’s not the lens I had when I was 19 years old,” Parker responded.
Acquitted doesn’t equal innocent in some cases. I read the entire case transcript. I was defending him at at first but if you read the transcript you’ll change your mind pretty fast. He raped that woman.
I’m going to see this movie for Gabby and Aja. I may not be happy with Nate but I am not about to punish innocent black women because of his terrible choices. It’s not fair. If you’re offended by my choice, I don’t know what to tell you. I don’t feel like arguing today.
I’m not offended by your choice at all. I was sceptical of going to see it after I read the court transcripts. Then I read Gabby’s article on LA times and cried for her. I honestly do believe Gabby thinks he is guilty too. Her article gives you those vibes. Like you, I’m going to see the movie because of those two women.
I feel both of y’all to be honest. I have to think about this sh-t some more. I think he raped her too.
Sh-t you have to do what you feel is right. I get it. I really do. I think he’s a piece of sh-t but I understand why people are still going to see the movie. Gabrielle and Aja deserve your dollars. It just sucks that Nate benefits. I may see it. I’m still on the fence.
I feel the same way. I wasn’t going to see it but then I thought about how I was punishing other people in the movie who don’t deserve that. Nate will gets his one day.
I’m so tired of hearing about this. If you’re boycotting, boycott. If you’re supporting, go support. Life goes on.
It’s crazy how things turned out. I was so excited about this movie too.
Mess. Why do they let hm keep doing interviews?