By: AJ Niles
Future can be flat-out messy. He had no problems being messy when it came to the relationship with Ciara. He also has an on and off relationship with his baby momma Brittni that looked to be on as of Valentine’s Day.
Although he says he is trying to be a better man, he’s being messy again. This time, it involves the wife of NBA hall of fame Chicago Bull Scottie Pippen.
Click next for details.
And this is why Brittni is dumb as hell. This piece of sh-t ain’t never going to change.
Never. At some point as a woman, you just have to accept that and move on with your life.
This is why most people were moved by his “I’m going to be a better person” stunt.
Well that didn’t take long. LOL.
Welp, your move Brittni.
Future has been and will always be a dog. If Brittni wants to waste her good years on him, that’s her choice but it’s a very dumb one if you ask me.
As soon as Brittni gets a little hope, he embarrasses her yet again.
Ciara wins again.
This makes Future look like a bitter jump off seeking recognition.
I can’t help but notice that Future’s defenders have been really quiet on social media lately. Too funny.
What do women see in Future? No, really. He’s a thot and catty as hell.
I sincerely hope he grows up and becomes a man at some point. So petty. Smh.