The Quad Recap: Sydney Has a Brave Moment + Eva Gets Heartbreaking News

Students seem to be split up when it comes to if Sydney was raped or it was consensual.

Some students feel she was raped while others don’t agree.

Dr. Fletcher learns that AJ, who works for campus security, is the one who leaked the video. When she asks him why he did it, he says that he is tired of the rape culture on college campuses and he’s done watching rapists get away with their actions.

He apologizes for leaking the video and Eva forgives him.

The campus security chief who came by to discuss the matter reveals that he believes the woman in the video was not raped and it was just another hookup. Eva fires him and it’s clear she has no idea the victim in the video is Sydney.

Cecil meets with the band to make sure they had nothing to do with the video.

Cecil tells the band members that he believes the woman in the video was raped. Danny, a drum major doesn’t agree, and he says the subject isn’t up for debate.

Cecil learns they were not involved in the incident and he warns them not to ever engage in sexual assault.

Danny finds out Noni stirred the pot.

Danny learns from another band member that Noni set him up at the fundraiser dinner and she’s behind his fight with the football player.

Cedric and Ebonie reconnect.

Cedric catches up with Ebonie via Face Time, and she tells him that she’s feeling much better since the hazing incident that put her in the hospital. He suggests they celebrate with Noni but Ebonie isn’t interested.

Cedric goes by Ebonie’s dorm to visit her and she tells him she’s upset that her time in the band is over. She asked him if he has any idea who killed his girlfriend and he says he doesn’t and that’s why he needs to get off campus and have a good time. Ebonie finally agrees to hang out.

Bojohn wants the starting quarterback position but Coach Hardwick tells him to remain patient.

Bojohn visits the football coach to see if he can get the starting QB position but the coach declines because their current QB is getting them wins. But he tells him that the current starting QB is graduating soon so he could get the position next year if he works hard. Bojohn promises to deliver.

The board isn’t happy about Eva firing the Chief of Campus Security.

The board meets with Eva and grills her for firing the chief of campus security. But she stands by her decision because she feels it’s inappropriate for the former chief to downplay sexual assault.

Ella Grace tells Eva she should try a different approach to being president. She thinks she shouldn’t be so quick to make decisions and say everything that’s on her mind.

Sydney gets unwanted support.

Campus organization IDC, I Didn’t Consent, comes by Sydney’s dorm to offer support. They, along with her roommate Madison, urge her to identify who assaulted her but Sydney asks them to leave.

“I don’t need you. Goodbye.” – Sydney

Bojohn’s father continues to push him into transferring to another school.

Bojohn gets a phone call from his dad and he informs him that he’s still been in contact with recruiters from other schools. He’s been sending them footage of his games and they are interested. He tells him to transfer to a different school so he can start on another football team. Bojohn says it doesn’t feel right to him but his dad isn’t hearing it.

Cedric finally confronts his roommate.

Ebonie comes by Cedric’s dorm and asks to stay for a couple of days. His roommate is upset that he didn’t run it by him first. Cedric then tells his roommate that his father, who happens to be an attorney, refused to represent him while he was locked up over his girlfriend’s murder.

Ebonie discovers Noni took her spot in the band.

Ebonie learns Noni took her spot and she confronts her. She calls Noni out for doing anything possible to get in the band, including sucking up to Danny.

“You crawled all the way up his a*s and I hope you rot there.” – Ebonie to Noni

Cecil meets his sister but gets nowhere.

Cecil meets with his sister Cynthia, and she’s still furious with him for abandoning her. She tells him to leave her alone and he’s doesn’t get the opportunity to tell her that he has lung cancer.

Dr. Fletcher learns the victim’s identity and Sydney confronts her rapist on campus.

Sydney sees her rapist on campus and calls him out in front of the other students. He is on the football team and tells bystanders that Sydney is crazy and he’s innocent.

Eva gets the pictures from the video and discovers that Sydney is the victim.

Sydney goes to see Eva and breaks down crying.


What are your thoughts on the episode?

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  1. I hope they weren’t trying to make us have sympathy for the rapist because I feel absolutely nothing for his a-s. I could have done without that scene of him going to see the coach and having a breakdown. He is not the damn victim. Keep it cute BET.

  2. Just throwing it out there, I missed last night’s episode for the first part of the Kalief Browder Story on Spike. I hope you guys get to watch that as well. Heartbreaking but needs to be seen.
    I’ll try to catch a replay of the show soon. Seems like a good episode.

  3. It’s sickening how anyone could try to call what happened to Sydney anything other than rape. I know this is a show but it’s people who would do that in real life.

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