Ciara Has a Lot of Men in Their Feelings About Her Maternity Photos
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Amanda is a TV junkie with a passion for all things reality television. She's from Decatur, GA.
So what is she supposed to do omit her son from all of the family pictures? Future was engaged to her. They were supposed to get married. She is married, moved on and YES there will be family pictures which will and SHOULD include everyone in the Wilson family which includes all children. I remarried and so did my husband. All of our family pictures include us with all of our children combined.
Thank u.
Double thank you.
Yes chalamange the dog, it is art; black love and your comment is off and creepy.
Charlamagne the dog. Love it.
There is nothing more fragile than the male ego. Anyway, I see nothing wrong with this photo, it’s a man holding up/supporting his woman while she nurtures and carries their children. Really can’t stand when people make something so beautiful so negative.
All these so called men who feel some kind of way are telling on themselves. No decent man is offended by any of this.
Sigh…they need to really get over themselves.
Look at these losers using Ciara and Russell’s names for attention.
They can keep seething too because the Wilson will continue to do as they please.
They really wanted Ciara to be miserable but that’s what happened to their idol Future. That’s why you never root for someone to fail.
B-tch n-ggas can’t stand to see women drop these f-ck boys and upgrade. They hate that sh-t.
I could care less if Russell was in the photos or not, my issue is that the comedienne Jess was dragged up and down social media last week by men and plenty of women calling her photos rachet and ghetto, with one slug even going as far as to say she was feminizing her son and turning him into a b-tch. If her photos were gross, then Ciara’s are gross too seeing that her son is naked. If Ciara’s are beautiful then Jess’s are beautiful too. There should be no double standard.
I actually loved that picture of hers. Corey Holcomb a public fool idiot started that BS. The ones who were on social media are idiots, thoughtless and mean as well. However, regardless of what other peoples reactions are and whether they are being stupid or not; it should never have a baring on what you really think. Both pictures represented a mothers love and black love and I love them both. Men who make comments of such are disrespectful to women and have many insecurities.
I honestly think we as a society are so quick to s-xualize children and now pregnant women. It’s not that deep man.
These men are all in their feelings over a pic. If Future wanted to be in the picture, he would have stayed in the picture. This is a beautiful pic of a beautiful family….
Ok so, here we have Charlamagne who’s an ex-convict and admitted cheater, who basically hid his relationship until getting married – and lil duval whose track record isn’t even relevant enough to know or recall, sitting here dissecting a beautiful portrayal of black love and family???? FOH. What’s wrong with relationships are two mf’s like these who can’t support Russell for being a stand up guy, making an honest woman out of Ciara and caring for her child as if it were his own. Charlamagne has become VERY unlikeable since crossing over and booking gigs with these white people. He’s trying way too hard.
These closet boys are mad and extremely argry just like future. They hate Ciara just as much. Just like future wanted to marry Russell his support boys wanted to also. These so call rappers/boys want real men to accept and see them as a woman. This behavior a disgrace to men and women. Especially kids. So they /closet boys boycott mothers, sisters, daughters call them bad names trying to get their husbands and boyfriends to leave them.
I def don’t see what the big deal is. They are a family even if that bothers some people.