RHOA Recap: Kenya + Phaedra Have Yet Another Showdown Despite Second Attempt at Friendship
Amanda is a TV junkie with a passion for all things reality television. She's from Decatur, GA.
This season has really put Phaedra’s phoniness on front street. It’s about time.
It has.
Kenya’s phoniness is displayed every season because she is always in fake relationships and lying about her plastic surgery, so what’s the difference?
I so agree! Phaedra use to be one of my favs! I overlooked her fake ness but the last couple seasons I can’t with her, I never ever agree with Kenya but she wasn’t throwing that party out of spite or trying to be facetious. The party was suppose to be about moving on to another chapter. Kenya already admitted she was wrong for the stuff with Apollo so why bring it up? If she was uncomfortable she could have pulled kenya to the side instead of calling her trifling ,And we all know the divorce isn’t finalized b/c she used fake names and it had to be done over again. Phaedra is nobody’s friend, she has none b/c she’s so fake. Even nene tweeted last nite you can’t win when u play dirty, she tried it with me, I told y’all. I’m almost positive that was for shady phae phae,
Now I haven’t been happy with how Phaedra has been doing Porsha but is Kenya serious right now? She is the last person who can call anyone a fraud. She actually started the trend of people faking storylines on this show. And she was inappropriate with Apollo. People, especially Phaedra, don’t have to forget that.
Dumb episode. Kenya is not a victim. She had no problem twerking on Apollo and asking him and Phaedra for a thr–some. I wouldn’t want her to throw me a divorce party either after all that.
I knew this friendship wouldn’t last.
Kenya is so annoying because she always conveniently forgets about all the dirty sh-t she’s done in the past. And when she is called out for it, she plays victim. I don’t understand why she’s still on the show.
How do you think it’s appropriate to throw a divorce party for the woman who’s husband you flirted with, even after she asked you not to. And then play victim when said woman gets upset and remembers why she was never friends with your trifling a-s in the first damn place.
This is why Phaedra shouldn’t have tried to be cool with Kenya in the first place. If someone disrespected you in the past and you ain’t willing to forget that sh-t, then why even try to be cool in the first got damn place? Just don’t f-ck with them and call it a day.
This episode was boring.
It was. Just seemed like filler.
Phaedra stans are getting desperate! *giggles*
I’m usually team Phaedra and I can’t stand Kenya’s a-s, but Phaedra is wrong in this instance. I can see how Phaedra would feel sometime away about the party but she didn’t have to go to town on Kenya the way she did. This is really hard for me to admit-cause like I said I can’t stand the b-tch-but I don’t think Kenya was being shady. I thought she was genuinely trying to do something nice for her and Cynthia. And if Phae had a problem with it she should of put her big girl panties on and pulled Kenya to the side and talk to her like a grown a-s woman! I’m said because this episode really has me side eyeing the hell outta Phaedra!
Now I know how malicious and messy Kenya usually is, but I can’t even say she was trying to be messy with the divorce party. Phaedra overreacted, in my opinion. She’s still my girl but she’s having a really bad season.
I think Kenya does too much to be liked. She likes to call everyone her BFF. That right there sends a signal of low self esteem, needing to be liked and lonliness. She just gravitates to people putting them in categories that they are not willing to be in with her.
Phaedra is done. Porsha has smartened up, Nene is now Team Kenya and Kandi is done. There’s no point in her even returning next season.