Sanaa Lathan Says What She Had with French Montana Wasn’t ‘Dating’
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Amanda is a TV junkie with a passion for all things reality television. She's from Decatur, GA.
So it was a waste of time like most people thought? Oh ok.
Basically. But at least she had enough sense to not take him seriously like Trina did.
So it was a fling. More power to her.
How did French even pull her anyway? LOL.
Good question.
She can do so much better than wasting time with French.
Sanaaa strikes me as someone who has no interest in being tied down. She likes to have her fun and it works for her.
I don’t understand what these women see in French’s lame a-s.
She’s a beautiful woman so I was confused that she would even give French the time of day.
Sanaa is around too many fine men to be having any kind of thing with French Montana. Just ew.