‘Basketball Wives’ Recap: Jackie Called out on Strained Relationship with Daughter + Tami Goes Off

Photo Credit: VH1

In the latest episode of “Basketball Wives,” Jackie Christie and Tami Roman’s friendship deteriorated.

We also meet new cast members, including Dwyane Wade’s baby mama.

Here’s the recap of “Basketball Wives,” Episode 3.

Click next for the details.

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  1. Tami is very insecure and childish. She thinks Evelyn cares about her enough to compete but Evelyn is just chilling watching her spiral out of control.

  2. The truth is Tami is just mad that people are cool with Evelyn when she’s not. She is 50 years old and still behaves like a high schooler.

  3. What is Tami mad at again? Evelyn didn’t say anything to warrant all this. She said Tami is crazy and paranoid and that’s factual.

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