Mo’Nique Goes off on Oprah Winfrey, Tyler Perry and Lee Daniels
Amanda is a TV junkie with a passion for all things reality television. She's from Decatur, GA.
She went all the way in.
I see Mo’Nique is all out of f-cks.
I don’t think she ever had any to begin with.
Well if they she wasn’t blacklisted before, she definitely will be now.
I’m sure saying all this won’t help her situation.
She always keeps it ?
Can’t be mad at her for keeping it real.
Oh give me a fking break! So at what point does she own her part that she wanted to be paid to promote Precious yet Lenny and Mariah who were bigger names than her and the entire cast went out and promoted it for free? And when she didnt ger paid did absolutely no promotion of the film but still ran her a-s up on stafe to collect an oscar for it?
And how the fk does her entitled a-s get to be mad at Lee when this is like the 4th straight year she’s been cussing the man out yet can’t understand why he gave the part of Cookie to Taraji and not her? I wouldn’t give her sh-t either.
I wish she would stop talking about this. Especially since most of what happened to her she brought on herself.
My thing is just because you did one good movie does not entitle you to get every role you audition for nor any hand outs. Girl bye