By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Jackie Christie sat down and chatted with The Breakfast Club crew before the reunion for the current season of “Basketball Wives” aired.
And she didn’t hold back when she was asked about her strained relationship with Ta’Kari Lee, and fallouts with Evelyn Lozada and Shaunie O’Neal.
Click next for the details.
This woman is a compulsive liar.
I’m so glad the season is over.
She is so delusional
No, Draya was BBWLA. She left and Tami had to come back to save Jackie and the rest of the background characters.
Pretty much.
The problem with this is her other daughter Chantel said the same things Ta’Kari did. I wonder why they didn’t ask her about that in this interview. It’s like they already made their mind up that they are Team Jackie and Envy shouldn’t be out here diagnosing Ta’Kari with bipolar disease if he doesn’t even know the whole story or watch the show.
Just when I thought Jackie couldn’t get any more delusional, she does this interview.
Jackie needs to shut her lying a-s up.
Jackie said she has proof that Takari is lying and exploiting her. So why has she not posted that yet?
I don’t believe a word Jackie has to say sorry not sorry.
Jackie has really gotten full of herself.
Lies may have been told but I do love her shutting down Shaunie, she pretends like she the boss but really just another employee
I’m not sure why they keep testing Shaunie. She’s managed to remove everyone she doesn’t like off the show eventually. Duffy, Royce, Jenn, Brandi, etc. it’s corny to keep pretending this isn’t her show and she has no say so. Jackie better be careful.
Jackie is a hot mess.
@Anon 6:54
That’s lies and fairy tales, Tom Cavanaugh is the Shiwrunmer of the show which is the lead executive producer. Shaunie has NO Power
I hope they don’t talk about this next season. Talk about beating a dead horse.
Everyone loves to hate Jackie. I for on think the truth lies somewhere in the middle, but closer to Jackies side. I saw the part of the interview where Takari called in and she confirmed some of Jackies statements while contradicting her own. The child’s medical fees should have been covered by the day care. Takari said she didn’t start the go fund me and she never confirmed what the money went towards. I do think that Jackie made the girl exercise and compared her daughter’s. I also think Takari has bad influences, is keeping her kids from Jackie, and is looking to gain money and fame.
Umm I watched the entire interview, and at no point did Ta’Kari call in and say anything. What she did do is respond on Instagram and she said she didn’t appreciate that Envy said she has bipolar disorder. It’s ok to side with Jackie but it’s not cool to completely lie just to defend her. Not cool at all.
Bree is telling the truth boo!! Takari actually did call in after Jackie left. I’m going to email it to Amanda so they will post it on here!!
And the entire interview is on their YouTube page and their website. Kari never called in smh.
Someone on here said BBW needs a major revamp and I am starting to agree. This season has been a mess and it’s sad to see so many black women defending Jackie’s dysfunction. I’ve even seen some write that it’s totally normal for a mother/grandmother not to see or have a healthy relationship with her kids/grandkids. What kind of garbage is that? Jackie clearly has a lot of issues. She’s way too old to be trying to fight multiple people and threatening to kill people on TV. I am not here for her and I wouldn’t mind her being fired. And now we’re supposed to believe Takari is some compulsive liar when Jackie’s favorite daughter Chantel already said the same things on the show a few years ago? What in the world? The logic with Jackie and her supporters is lacking. They just need to be honest and admit that dysfunction is all they know too and it make them comfortable. I can’t relate to Jackie or her garage mothering. So I will not defend her. I tried to watch Baller Wives and it was just as toxic. You got a pregnant black woman saying the most foul stuff ever and out here arguing when negativity is not good for a baby. Maybe it’s just time for me to walk away from ratchet TV. Too much negativity!
I feel like both sides (Team Jackie and Team Eff Jackie) care too much. The purpose of this show is to entertain us. That’s it. Enjoy it but to defend any stranger over something that has nothing to do with you personally is weird to me.
And Team Eff Jackie is the same as Team Takari.
Jackie said Takari will become a multimillionaire if her or Doug dies thanks to their will. This child is not neglected. She’s just messy and looking for attention.