‘Black Ink Crew’ Recap: Sky Blames Strained Relationship with Son for Her Behavior

Photo Credit: VH1

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

On last night’s episode of “Black Ink Crew,” the group confronts Sky about her bad behavior in South Korea.

This angers Sky initially, but she finally tells them her strained relationship with her son Genesis is the root of her actions.

Cease also finds a way to reconnect with Kitty romantically, but there’s one condition he must adhere to.

Then Richard gets some big news from Nikki.

And finally, Young Bae finally tells Rod about her pregnancy, leading to another big moment for both.

Here’s a recap of Kim Jong Sky .

Click next for the details.

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  1. Sky is so predictable. Whenever she does some foul sh-t, she cries and plays victim when she gets called out for it. And she always blame it on her son, her mom, her baby daddies etc. Annoying.

  2. Everybody has to deal with problems. That’s life. But you can’t blame your problems for constantly mistreating people. Sky is a bully. She has always been way before Genesis tried to fight her. So what was the excuse then?

  3. I knew she was going to start crying and blame her situation for Genesis for acting like she always does.

  4. At some point Sky just needs to admit she’s a sh-tty person because she wants to be. How many more seasons do we have to see of her being a mean girl before she will call it what it is. I haven’t liked her since the Tiff situation. She bullied that damn girl for no reason.

    1. I forgot about Tiffany. She’s treating Kitty like she did Tiffany. I wonder what her excuse is for how she did Tiffany.

  5. Sky is human. Sometimes life gets to be too much and we do take it out on others. Is it right? NO it’s not. I don’t think she deserves to be dragged for being human.

    1. The problem with this is Sky has a track record of mistreating people. She’s old enough to know she can’t bully people over her personal issues. How is okay for a grown woman to throw things at another grown woman and bully a pregnant woman just because she’s stressed out?

    2. Sky stans are the worst. All y’all do is make excuses for her terrible behavior. Why didn’t y’all have this much patience and understanding for Dutchess who y’all still drag to this day?

  6. Waah waaah, my son hates me.
    Im sure thats hard but that no excuse for her behavior. She used to be so cool. Now she a trashy animal

  7. Sky needs her a-s whooped one good time. Then she will learn how to stop trying people all the time. People keep telling her she can fight so she stay on the bully bullsh-t. Everybody on that damn show is scared of her too. Cowards.

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