By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
On the season one finale of “Love and Hip Hop Miami,” Veronica has another showdown with Amara and Jojo.
This heated exchange results in Veronica questioning Amara’s blackness while declaring her own.
Shay has a confrontation with Joy after she confronts her for telling Pleasure about her run in with Scrappy.
Meanwhile Joy gets more problems out of Trick as she continues to push for a divorce.
Gunplay checks into rehab.
And Bobby and Malik nearly come to blows.
Here’s a recap of “TNT.”
Click next for the details.
Veronica has to go.
Sadly I have a feeling neither her nor Hollywood will be fired. Mona loves the controversy because it brings ratings.
23 and me confirmed this
Veronica is trash.
Umm no. Yes, the first human being’s remains were found in Africa but that doesn’t make everybody black. To say everybody is black is just bad science and ignorance. So is Donald Trump Black? Like seriously. Just stop.
It’s so sad that some people are actually agreeing with what Veronica said. Veronica is a white Latina. Latinos come in all races. And having ties to Africa doesn’t make you black. All African Americans have some white in us on our DNA tests. Does that mean we are white? No. She does the most because she wants to say the n word in peace.
The ignorance is real.
I hope Veronica doesn’t come back next season. She’s ignorant and very jealous of Amara. Notice how it’s okay for her to keep long weave and extensions in her head but Amara can’t wear afro extensions without her having something to say.
Veronica stay on that f-ck sh-t. But if somebody black didn’t cosign her sh-t before she got on the show, she’d know better now. Make no mistake, when white people say bold sh-t like this, some black person had a c–n moment and told them that sh-t was acceptable. She really thinks she’s black but has no idea what it’s like to be black. If she comes back next season, Mona’s a-s needs to be dragged.
She’s black how? I refuse to believe that so many non black Latinos are this ignorant about race. Nope. I refuse.
Meanwhile, Amara’s career continues to thrive. She has a new record deal, endorsements and a growing fan base. That is the real reason Veronica is so bothered.
I want Amara to stop lowering herself to address trash. And Veronica is trash.
Veronica is another Hazel E. Just loud, ignorant and wrong all the time. It hasn’t occurred to her that carrying on like this will make sure she never has any success with that music career she wants so bad. Who is going to buy her music? I sure won’t.
I just don’t understand how she goes from Amara is a fake Afro Latina to everybody is black. Weird.
Veronica and Young Hollywood grad my gears. And why does Hollywood think Amara is ghetto for clapping back at Veronica but Veronica isn’t ghetto when she tries to be a fake thug every episode?