RHOA Recap: Kenya’s Husband Marc Makes His First Appearance + Sheree Throws Shade

Porsha meets up with Rickey Smiley to go roller skating.

When they get to the venue, it’s pretty empty. And Rickey says he prefers it that way so he can skate in peace.

Porsha wants to relieve some stress from being in the play, “Two Can Play That Game.”

She falls and has a hearty laugh. He joins her.

After they take a break from skating, they discuss relationships.

He stresses that she can’t work too much and not look for love.

But Porsha says she just feels she’s too busy for a man. Rickey jokingly suggests she practices with him…in his bedroom.

She laughs.

Kenya and Cynthia catch up.

Cynthia is having an office day at The Bailey Agency. Kenya stops by.

She tells Cynthia she’s been busy spending time with Marc. They are going to keep doing IVF until she’s pregnant.

They discuss the backlash NeNe has been receiving for her comments to a heckler in the middle of her comedy show. Kenya says it’s hypocritical for Kim to threaten to sue NeNe when she’s been spreading lies about everyone else.

Kenya changes the subject and says she’s inviting all of the ladies to view her domestic violence PSA.

She’s also going to do something special for other victims.

Cynthia is glad that her mother is opening up about being abused by Cynthia’s father.

Kandi discusses the drama surrounding NeNe and the Xscape tour.

Don Juan, Kandi and Todd discus business. Kandi says that she wants to buy some property close to the restaurant because Google may be moving their headquarters near by. Don Juan says they have enough businesses as it is, but Todd and Kandi are sure they can do much more.

The subject then changes into the backlash NeNe has been receiving.

Kandi says she felt like “sh*t” when she saw NeNe crying on social media.

Todd says that he feels like NeNe was just defending herself. Kandi honestly feels guilty about NeNe being ousted from the tour, even though she wasn’t the one who pushed for NeNe’s removal.

“I feel like I’m responsible for her pain.” – Kandi

She says that she and NeNe came a long way and she doesn’t want to “go backwards.”

Don Juan says he agrees in theory because he loves NeNe but it’s best for the tour for her to be gone.

Todd brings up the fact that Donald Trump has done much worse and he’s president. Don Juan still reminds them they must separate personal from business.

Sheree is building a man cave for Tyrone.

Sheree is still working on her basement. When her interior designer Mikel tells her he needs more time, she gets a little annoyed.

She plans to have a man cave for Tyrone, spa and theater in the basement.

Tyrone calls her while she’s talking over the progress of the basement.

She tells him she wants the basement to be done the right away. Tyrone says that she shouldn’t stress out too bad.

He’s excited she’s building him a man cave.

Tyrone says that he’s going to help her financially when he gets out of prison. She tells him she wants him to buy her a beach house.

“Good. Good. Leave something for me to do.” – Tyrone

In a green screen interview, Sheree says that she wants a destination wedding with Tyrone. She says he better be getting released this year.

He has four kids and he’s anxious to blend their families.

NeNe asks Brentt about his career aspirations.

NeNe fails miserably to play pool with Brentt.

He tells her he’s thinking about moving to Florida and he wants to join her comedy tour.

Specifically, he wants to do stand up comedy.

“I know I don’t want to go to school.  I know that.” – Brentt

NeNe tells him that if he’s serious about getting into the industry, she’s going to support him.

“But comedy is hard…I never knew that until I stood up on that stage.” – NeNe

She’s prepared to mentor him and give him some connects.

Noelle gets a dentistry internship.

Cynthia says Noelle has always been interested in dentistry since she was little.

She tells Cynthia that she wants to make sure she feels like she made a difference in multiple people’s lives.

They discuss Will.

“Oh my God, it’s been good.” – Cynthia

Cynthia says she wants Will to meet Noelle. She wants it to happen in a “casual setting.”

Kenya treats ten domestic violence survivors to a day at the hair salon.

In a green screen interview, Kenya says it’s important to do this because it’s how she can honor her grandmother’s legacy.

She also has the hair stylists use her hair product line.

She surprises the survivors with some gowns donated by friends. They will also get their make up done and have a choice in what glamorous shoes to wear.

They pick their dresses and show them off as they strut down the shop like a cat walk.

When talking to one of the survivors, Kenya realizes that she too dealt with abusive men until she realized she needed to break the cycle, as she did with Marc.

Kenya thanks all of the survivors for attending.

Sheree’s daughter Kaleigh calls her out.

They discuss college and Kaleigh says that it’s going good.

Sheree says she’s a very responsible child.

Kaleigh asks Sheree about her love life.

Sheree says that Tyrone is “just a friend.”

Kaleigh then shows her a photo of her cozying up to Tyrone in prison.

“Y’all look really close…y’all are holding hands.” – Kaleigh

Sheree says they reconnected last year and they met six years ago after he booked her and Kim to do one of his events.

She also says his current time in prison is “just a little moment.”

Kaleigh then says that she must really like him to talk to him on the phone so much.

When her daughter asks if they are going to see Tyrone soon, Sheree exclaims, “He’s in prison!”

“So wait, you’re going to date a man from jail?” – Kaleigh

“Kinda.” – Sheree

“So you must really like this man to continue to talk to him while he’s in jail. Something’s not right.” – Kaleigh

“I do like him.” – Sheree

“There’s a lotta fish in the sea and you go for the jailbait.” – Kaleigh

“Ooh Kaleigh!” – Sheree

She then tells Kayleigh that Tyrone is a nice guy.

“Sometimes you have to be there for people when they’re down.” – Sheree

In a green screen interview, Sheree says she’s sure the kids will approve of Tyrone when they finally meet him.

Kayleigh then asks when Tyrone will get out and Sheree says hopefully in a few months.

She tells Sheree she will try to be an open minded as she can.

Everyone starts arriving to Kenya’s event.

Porsha and Shamea arrive first.

She tells Shamea that she’s been thinking about what NeNe said. But she feels like she apologized so many times that she doesn’t know what else to do now.

Cynthia then arrives next with her mom Barbara.

Sheree rolls in and Kenya comes through to speak to everyone. Sheree inquires about Marc’s attendance. Kenya tells everyone that Marc won’t be attending. Porsha gets a little annoyed after Kenya says she has to take care of Marc and even book his flights and pick out his clothes.

NeNe and Kandi arrive. NeNe says in a green screen interview that she and Kandi will reman good regardless of the tour situation.

As Kenya is making her thank you speech, Marc causally walks in. He blows her a kiss. This throws Kenya off and she starts to have problems continuing her speech.

Sheree says in her green screen interview through clinched teeth that she doesn’t know if Marc is really Kenya’s husband.

“I don’t know if he’s her real husband but he’s real.” – Sheree

Kenya says she thinks Marc just wanted to make a grand entrance so he pretended to not know how to book plane tickets.

Everyone watches the PSA.

Kandi says it hurts her to see Shamea hurting, as well as Cynthia’s mother.

Everyone claps after the PSA goes off.

Kenya hugs on Marc and Cynthia is glad to finally meet him.

“Now that the Marc Daly mystery is now solved, the haters can now shut up.” – Cynthia

Sheree meets him and asks him when he got his nose pierced. She says she’s thinking about doing the same.

“I haven’t really seen a guy with a nose ring since Tupac. I don’t know, just it was different.” – Sheree

Marc tells Kandi, Todd and the group he’s not sure about moving to Atlanta from New York just yet.

In NeNe’s green screen interview, she is asked by producers if she thinks Kenya and Marc are in love.

“Kenya appears to be truly in love.” – NeNe

Sheree tells Kenya and Marc it’s good to know that Marc is actually real. Kenya throws some shade in her green screen interview.

“Sheree, slow your roll. My man has always been real just like my hair, and so have his checks. Can I say the same thing for your man?” – Kenya

Porsha says she’s proud that NeNe took accountability for her words. She says that’s the only thing you can stand on at the end of the day.

She then says that she too has taken accountability for the Kandi situation.

In a green screen interview, NeNe says Porsha has still not taken accountability for her situation with Kandi.

Kenya tells everyone she’s going to spend some time with Marc. They kiss.

What are your thoughts on the episode?

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  1. I’m not even a Kenya fan but is Sheree serious? Kenya’s man is not in prison, has a legit business and minds his business. Since when is a nose ring shade worthy but being an inmate is not? And Tyrone is also just as catty as the housewives siting on the phone in prison trying to shade NeNe. He’s a hot mess and Sheree is too old to be so foolish. Sheree has really lost her mind.

  2. Not Sheree shading Marc for having a nose ring when her man is in prison for fraud. He only calls her everyday to make sure he has someone to take care of him when he finally gets out of prison. He’s Apollo 2.0.

  3. I really don’t like Sheree at all this season. Between her being Kim’s new Sweetie and letting some man in prison make her look dumber than usual, I’m just not feeling her.

  4. Sheree is so jealous of Kenya it’s pathetic. These women just can’t stand that Kenya is the one winning after they shamed her for not having a husband. Now not only does she have a husband, but he’s fine and has money. They can’t take it!

  5. Sheree needs to worry less about Kenya and more about her relationship with an inmate. Even her own daughter is concerned.

  6. Sheree really ain’t s—-. I’ve never seen a grown woman being so delusional and pathetic before in my life. How do you let a prisoner tell you how to design your basement?

  7. I’m glad people are seeing how pressed about Kenya Sheree is. She saw Marc’s face and seethed instantly!

  8. I never liked Sheree from the first time the show aired, she is phony and has always thought more of herself then she should have. In trying to understand her relationship, I chalk it up to just plain ole lonely and at present there’s nobody knocking for her so Tyrone beats a blank. She’s in a dream & can make it anything she wants but, in fact she’s still lonely, those phone calls fill a void. She needs to stop wearing sweatsuits & get up and out, cause he isn’t getting out of jail no time soon……….

    1. Marc is gay? Sheree needs to not even go that route because her man is more likely to have a boyfriend in prison.

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