By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Kanye West made headlines recently when he confirmed he will be dropping two new albums this June.
However, he caused a bigger stir on social media after he tweeted support of a black woman who happens to be one of Donald Trump’s biggest supporters and an even bigger hater of the Black Lives Matter Movement.
This one tweet has made many suspect that Kanye is still very much a fan of Trump and his controversial policies, despite attempting to distance himself from endorsing him in 2016.
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Black men are so coddled in the black community. We pretty much destroyed Chrisette Michelle for just singing at the inauguration, but people keep making excuses about Kanye really being anti black and supporting Trump.
So true. Black men get so many second chances. You can even compare Ye to Azealia. Both are geminis who have supported Trump. Azealia got way more backlash than Kanye did.
I hope people aren’t surprised. Kanye has made it clear how he really feels about black people numerous times. I for one don’t support his music. I don’t buy his work or stream it. Let these Trump fans support him. I’m sure they will and that’s why he’s dog whistling in this tweet.
As far as I’m concerned, I don’t give a f-ck what any sellout has to say. My money doesn’t go in their pockets. And Kanye is only supporting Trump because he knows the Carters don’t. He gets up every morning pressed about Jay Z and Beyonce. He’s always going to do the opposite of what they do.
Why do people even value Kanye’s opinions anyway? He’s just a Kardashian now.
Kanye knows his fan base is made up of mainly white people now. So he’s going to be his true self now, a white man living in a black man’s body.
I just want people to stop saying they miss the old Kanye. He doesn’t write his lyrics. So the College Dropout Kanye was never the real Kanye. This is the real Kanye. And the whole George Bush comment was not the real Kanye. He played the role he felt he had to while his mom was alive.
I can’t believe I used to stan this dude.
There’s nothing more pathetic than seeing black people do the most for white approval and acceptance. Kanye likes this woman’s way of thinking because she’s just as ignorant as he is. They are the same person.
Kanye been a c–n. So this doesn’t shock me.
Kanye just doing this for attention seeking… he must be dropping a album,shoes etc soon… Kanye join the right family for attention seeking. Normally I’ll go in on him but he’s a joke
And this is who people love and swear is some kind of genius.
Oh. I stopped caring about Kanye years ago.
This is how Kanye has to sell albums.