By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
On last night’s episode of “Real Housewives of Potomac,” Candiace ended up clashing with Gizelle and Charrisse.
Things popped off after Charrisse asked Candiace if her mom bought her engagement ring.
Interestingly enough, it seems like Candiace wasn’t really bothered by the question until Monique told her she needed to be.
This will not go unnoticed either.
Monique gets into a car accident. This leads to the other ladies beginning to notice her drinking habits.
And Ashley and Michael realize that they may not ever agree when it comes to Sheila.
Here’s a recap for “I Came From Jesus.”
Click next for the details.
This episode showed me a few things.
1. Monique is a messy alcoholic who is using Candiace to take down Gizelle because she can’t do it herself.
2. Monique is pressed by Gizelle.
3. Candiace brought all of this on herself because she talks too much. You don’t give people drag material on your first season.
4. I think I can see why Charrisse and Monique fell out. Before the episode ended, Charrisse pretty much figured out that Candiace wasn’t mad until Monique gassed her up.
From the looks of Candace’s twitter account, I’d say she’s a better fit for Love & Hip Hop than RHOP.
I was trying to give Candiace a chance but I’m seeing too many red flags. Candiace literally had no problems with what Charrisse and Gizelle asked her until Monique told her it was an issue. Before that, she was a good sport and didn’t seem to be bothered by the shade. It’s only an issue now because Monique placed a battery in her back. I can’t respect that.
Another thing I noticed is Candiace seems to think being engaged to a white man in itself is an achievement. She brings the fact that he’s white up a lot, but doesn’t see an issue with the fact that her mother is having to pay for bills because her man can’t. Does she give him a pass for being a “downgrade” just because he’s white. It seems that way.
Then the comment she made about it being better for her mother to take care of her versus depending on a man to take care of her was just downright embarrassing. Technically, there’s nothing wrong with a husband taking care of his kids and wife/ex wife financially. Even the courts agree with this, hence child and spousal support being a thing. But there is something weird about an adult and able bodied grown woman still needing mommy’s wallet when she’s getting ready to get married. How are you on a housewives show and shading women for being take care of by their husbands? She’s just weird.
Your second paragraph about Candice is exactly what I’ve thought about her when I saw her. She makes it seem like her guy is a prize cause of his complexion. Pretty sure if he were her hue w 3 kids she wouldn’t be bragging nor would she try to move his kids in.
Well said. Candiace has a lot to learn.
She definitely thinks him being white is an accomplishment.
Candiace is a joke. She knows good and well that she set herself up to be shaded when she kept telling anyone who would listen that her mom pays for everything and her man is actually a downgrade. What did she expect to happen? She’s out of her league.
I was wondering if anyone noticed that Monique is the one who keeps stirring the pot. She’s always like, “But Gizelle!” It never fails. She’s obsessed and swears that Gizelle is pressed by her but it’s the other way around.
I mean it’s obvious Charrisse was being shady. But Candiace literally did not care when it happened. Everyone laughed and no one took it seriously. So why is it such an issue for Candiace now? Because Monique told her it was shade? I agree with Charrisse. If it was an issue, she should have said something when it happened. Don’t get mad now because someone told you that you should be mad. And Monique needs to sit down somewhere. She’s talking big and bad about what she would have done if it was said to her, but she’s not about that life either. That’s why she had to have her brother make that fan page and talk junk for her.
I’m really not feeling Monique this season. And yes, she has a drinking problem. She swears she’s living the life, okay then why does she need to drink so much? That’s not how happy people roll.
Didn’t Monique say she drinks everyday? I thought she said that to Ashley.
I respect Candiace isn’t afraid of Gizelle and Charrisse but I think it’s corny that she didn’t get mad until Monique stirred the pot. It makes her look weak and easily manipulated.
So you say your mom pays for just about everything, but you don’t want anyone to ask if she also paid for your engagement ring. Okay girl.
Candace needs to sit down and think some things over. Her life is messy. When is she going to remove herself from her mother’s boob? She’s 30 years old.
Why is Candiace on this show? She adds nothing but immaturity and ratchetness.
Sh-t the reunion is going to be so good.
This season is finally heating up I’m so happy… Monique is a drunk and it’s very obvious she is obsessed with Gizelle I’m not sure what it is but she really on her hard and it’s so funny because Gizelle pats her no mind… it’s also strange how Monique never comes for her to herself every nasty comment is in her confessional or behind her back to the other ladies… I’m not feeling her this season at all she’s very bitter and hateful. Candice is Monique’s puppet and she fall for the trap that Monique set in motion to start stuff between Gizelle Charisse and Candice. Candice talks to much and honestly set herself up so she can’t be mad when people throw funny shade towards her if she wants to last for season 4 she gotta not take stuff so personal especially when you tell all your business.
Candiace isn’t the smartest cookie. When I watch her onscreen, I realize that Porsha really isn’t as dumb as people say she is. Porsha came on the show married to a man with money, but was spared throughout everything because she was lovable (she has a lot of stans) and she had NeNe in her corner. She really played chess and that showed even more at the reunion this year. She neutralized every threat she had this season, and came out on top securing another season while Kim became the new target. Candiace isn’t playing her cards right. She’s taking direction from Monique and that’s dumb because this is only Monique’s second season. Hell even Ashley played her cards better when she was new.
I believe Candice mother paid for the ring like she pays for everything else. She is probably a silent investor in his restaurant as well unless he only works there and not own it. She probably thought a white man on her arm with a big ring shows she made it. What I don’t understand is what kind of a man would move in with a woman whose house is co owned by her mother, paid for by mom, and mom comes and goes as she pleases. a real man who owns his own business would not do that. She never seems to highlight his success only his failure like not having money. She seems like a nice girl but way too immature to be on this show, she has nothing to offer. Moving on, did anyone see when Giselle told her boyfriend she loved him and he just basically rushed her off the phone without saying it back? I think its trouble in Paradise…does she have the Halle Berry syndrome? We will see.
Monique definitely drinks too much. If you are out for dinner with friends, why do you need to to have four drinks? And why did she need to drink all the wine up herself on the bus en route to the resort? She clearly uses alcohol to deal with stress. And that’s so unhealthy.
I’m starting to think Candiace won’t be back next season. LOL.
Candace declasses RHOP. She can’t even handle light weight shade without acting like a fool. She needs to go.
Candiace is hard to like. I know the season isn’t over but so far I’m just not feeling her.
Gizelle is always in some mess.