Shaunie’s disappointed with Jennifer not showing up.
Marc Lamont Hill hosts the reunion which features Evelyn and Shaunie sitting closest to him. On Shaunie’s side is OG, Tami and CeCe. Evelyn’s joined by Malaysia, Jackie and Kristen.
Jennifer apparently sent a letter to the producers, via her lawyer. She felt threatened apparently and felt she would be attacked.
“I bet she’s still looking for those receipts.” – Marc
“It’s not a good thing to not show up to the reunion.” – Shaunie
Jackie tries to call Jennifer and she gets sent to voicemail.
O.G. claps back at Kristen and Malaysia.
First, they recap the newbies CeCe, Kristen, and O.G.’s year. Shaunie says CeCe seemed overwhelmed. However, Kristen and O.G. fit, despite O.G.’s personality coming off a bit too strong.
O.G. says she respected Tami coming to her and telling her about the shade the threw in her green screen interview before the episodes aired.
Next, Malaysia rehashed what she had to say about O.G.’s clothing choices.
“She should leave the side boob at home because she don’t have the boobs for it.” – Malaysia
O.G. stood her ground, telling Malaysia she had no right to tell her what she should or shouldn’t wear.
“Who are you to tell me what my boobs should wear?” – O.G.
Their back and forth continued with Malaysia saying she’s also pro-woman, noting she can give whatever opinion she wanted.
Next, they recap the personal moments the women shared this season. This includes Evelyn seeing her family’s damaged home in Puerto Rico, Jackie going to therapy and Evelyn destroying her embryos.
O.G. mourning her brother’s death and Malaysia’s saga surrounding her brother’s death was also chronicled. Marc later asked how Evelyn and Jackie improved their relationship.
Evelyn says that Jackie’s refusal to be a part of her drama with Jennifer and Tami showed Jackie’s growth.
Evelyn and Tami’s showdown begins.
Things get messy once again when Marc leads-in Evelyn and Tami’s beef. Marc asks the source of what their beef this time. Evelyn says Tami made a comment at the reunion last season that annoyed Evelyn surrounding the GoFundMe saga.
When Tami said it was a lie, Evelyn said she won’t address her.
“Well you should’ve stayed at home like Jennifer then.” – Tami
Shaunie says it’s a struggle being in the middle of Evelyn and Tami.
To lighten the mood, the topic changes to the funny moments of the season.
Malaysia’s family connection is up next, and the highlight is the stained relationship between CeCe and Kristen. CeCe says things were good between her and Kristen for years before this season.
Things get tense when Kristen pulls out printed text messages proving Kristen told Cece Evelyn and Jennifer were joking about the “happy endings.”
Tami walks off the set.
Next, CeCe reveals that she texted Kristen about Bryon not wanting to come around her and Thomas anymore. Kristen then reveals CeCe nor Byron saw her daughter Kenzi.
Finally, it’s time to talk about Jennifer and Evelyn’s rumor about Evelyn sleeping with Shaunie’s ex. Shaunie says the main target was Evelyn. Evelyn says that Tami knew the rumor would come out at Tami’s event, because Tami wanted it to. Of course, Tami denied this.
Tami apologized for the comments made about Chad and Evelyn, and Evelyn dismisses the apology. It then comes out Evelyn sent emails to producers about not wanting to be on the show with Tami. Evelyn also accused Tami of telling her and Shaunie that she can’t have kids. So she thought it was fraudulent of Tami to claim she was trying to get pregnant on the show.
When Tami asks Shaunie when she said this, Shaunie says she can’t confirm or deny because her memory is foggy. So Tammy threatens Evelyn.
“I’m here like you’re here and I’ll be outside like you’re gonna be outside.” – Tami
Surprisingly, Tami has reached her breaking point for the dat, telling Marc and everyone thank you, walking off the set.
“It’s time for me to go.” – Tami
Shaunie’s confused about what she did. The producers seemed confused about it as well, as they still had her segment about her and Reggie.
“Well I don’t care.” – Tami
When filming continued, they touched on the Amsterdam trip.
Malaysia says she regretted the table throwing incident. She regrets having to explain to her children about how she acted. Shaunie also noted once more that Jennifer not showing up rubbed her the wrong way.
“I can’t trust that you’re gonna show up to work.” – Shaunie
Evelyn and Shaunie are done with Jennifer and Tami.
Ending the show, The ladies recapped their time on the season once more time. CeCe said she felt a type of way about the “happy ending” joke, and Evelyn and CeCe recognized they apologized to one another.
Next, Marc brings up how Jennifer and Tami, the two sources of the major drama, aren’t there to defend themselves. Shaunie brings up how Tami was disconnected from the rest of the group this season.
Evelyn told Marc that there’s nothing that could be done to reconcile a friendship between her and Jennifer. She did hope that she would one day see Jennifer be “her real self.” Evelyn had guilt over what happened in the past and said she loves her.
Shaunie’s confirmation that Jennifer bashed Evelyn’s daughter really hurt her.
Malaysia said her loyalty was tested. Jackie said she’s glad therapy worked out and she and Evelyn were able to hash things out.
Finally, Shaunie said she’s proud of everyone’s growth this season, specifically Malaysia and Jackie.
Of course, the finale ended with Evelyn sending a message to Tami about lying. She specifically suggests Tami hasn’t been honest about her health.
“Tami, she needs to stop putting things out into the universe that are not true.” – Evelyn
What are your thoughts of the reunion and season 7?