When it comes to Cecil and Simone’s marriage, it’s clear that the couple still has more work to do.
On the most recent episode of “Married To Medicine,” one of their dates went left after Cecil didn’t take ownership of having an inappropriate friendship with a woman named Tammy.
At first, Cecil told Simone he didn’t understand why the friendship bothered her because he and Tammy never hung out away from a group.
But Simone reminded Cecil that he actually went to dinner with Tammy alone while Simone’s uncle was sick in the hospital.
This led to an argument with Simone blowing up on Cecil.
On the upcoming episode and season finale, Simone and Cecil hash out their issues with their therapist.
Simone explains that Cecil was wrong to allow another person in their marriage. And her breaking point came when he decided to hang out with Tammy despite Simone’s uncle being near death.
Here’s what she had to say:
I begged him not to go. I had a stressful week. My uncle was in the hospital fighting for his life. And the fact that he walked out even knowing all of that, it was probably one of the most devastating blows I have ever experienced with him in 22 years.
She elaborated more in her green screen interview.
I told Cecil as he was walking out the door, ‘If you leave, you cannot come back here.’
He said okay, he left. And I filed for divorce two days later.
By the end of the therapy session, Cecil realizes he was wrong and he apologizes.
Check out the preview below.