Sheila and Michael have a breakthrough.
Ashley’s mom Sheila comes over to visit.
She hasn’t been over since she fell out with Michael last season.
In a green screen interview, Ashley says she feels like things are getting better between Sheila and Michael.
Ashley tells her mother all the changes she’s made to her lifestyle so she can get pregnant.
Even though she’s trying to stay away from alcohol, she had drinks at Candiace’s wedding and she drinks a Corona with her mother.
Sheila’s brother’s birthday is coming up. Since he’s a father figure in Ashley’s life, she wants to make sure he has a wonderful birthday. But she worries there could be tension between Michael and her uncle since her uncle feels Michael is too controlling of Ashley.
Not too long after, Michael comes over and gives Sheila a hug.
This brings Ashley to tears.
But it’s not a big issue to Sheila and she initiates a group hug.
Michael says it’s important for everyone to get along if he and Ashley plan to have kids.
Karen and Ray shop for headstones for Karen’s parents.
She considers this to be the final step of her grieving process.
Her dad passed away from Alzheimer’s. Since Ray is only two years younger than her dad, Karen gets emotional at the thought of losing Ray too.
Gizelle sees her therapist, Dr. Ken.
She tells him how Sherman ditched her two and a half hours before Candiace’s wedding.
Dr. Ken is confused by this because Sherman acted like he wanted something longterm with Gizelle.
Regardless, Gizelle feels like cutting Sherman off was best. But Dr. Ken isn’t sure it’s a good idea for Gizelle to cut people off when they do things she doesn’t like.
Gizelle says that another issue was she never really felt like Sherman loved her. So she would like to just move on with her life.
It’s time for Candiace to become independent.
Candiace and Chris skip their honeymoon.
While Candiace wants to go on a honeymoon, Chris says he’s too tired. He also doesn’t know who would pay for it at the moment.
So the couple decides to just stay in and open up some gifts instead.
They talk about Dorothy and Candiace says she wants them to get their own home.
With Dorothy owning the house they live in, Candiace is realizing how important it is for her and Chris to have their own space.
Gizelle catches up with Katie.
The two women are meeting at a restaurant.
In a green screen interview, Gizelle says therapy made her realize that she throws people in the trashcan after they cross her.
“I don’t think that that’s fair.” – Gizelle
So she felt like seeing Katie again would be a good thing.
When Katie arrives, they have some small talk.
Katie is living with her 27-year-old boyfriend. She says he has more money than her but doesn’t contribute to her bills.
Gizelle decides not to judge and invites Katie to Ashley’s upcoming event.
“I cannot wait for you to see the rest of the ladies. I think it might be fun.” – Gizelle
Juan isn’t impressed.
Robyn’s rehab project with her mother is taking longer than she expected.
It was supposed to be a three-month renovation, but she’s been working on the house for eight months now.
So she goes over to the house with Juan to get some things done.
When Juan walks into the house, he’s not impressed and notices a lot more work needs to be finished.
Robyn says that she may end up going over the budget by $10,000. She’s really nervous about this.
But she’s hoping they can sell the place for $150,000, leaving her with a $50,000 profit.
Candiace and Ashley catch up.
While Ashley is working at Oz, Candiace comes by.
They eat and have some small talk about Candiace’s wedding.
Candiace has also been invited to Ashley’s uncle’s party.
Tea is spilled.
Karen is walking through the house and burning sage.
Gizelle is on the way over.
When Gizelle walks in, Karen sages her.
Karen gives Gizelle a tour of the house.
In a green screen interview, Gizelle says Karen has changed and she’s not as cocky as she used to be.
Gizelle is only allowed to see two rooms.
Karen says Gizelle can’t get a tour of the whole house because of her past actions.
But Gizelle says that she’s trying to learn how to be more compassionate towards others. She feels her therapy is already paying off.
When Karen asks if Gizelle’s in therapy because of Sherman, and Gizelle says she’s not going to tell her anything since Karen is friends with Sherman’s ex-wife.
In a green screen interview, Kaen says Sherman left the relationship before Gizelle did and he was seen shopping with another woman at Saks.
Regardless, the women have a few laughs and appear to be getting in a much better place.
It’s the day of Uncle Lump’s party.
It’s a 90’s themed event.
Ashley and Michael are dressed as Will Smith and DJ Jazzy Jeff.
In a green screen interview, Gizelle says the white husbands are trying too hard to fit in and should be themselves.
Uncle Lump arrives.
Ashley is nervous there could be tension between Lump and Michael.
During small talk, Candiace says that Chris is a “quick” lover. Gizelle is uncomfortable about this piece of information.
Apparently, Karen and Monique decided not to come at all.
Ashley is disappointed because she wanted to hash things out with them.
As Ashley drinks, Candiace says in a green screen interview she thought Ashley was taking a break from drinking to get pregnant.
The women await Katie’s arrival.
While Ashley is dancing and greeting others, Michael is talking to a man and complimenting his looks. He also seemingly grabs the man’s booty and says it feels like jelly.
Katie arrives.
She speaks to everyone and says she would have warned Candiace not to get married if she met her before.
Katie then tells Chris not to be offended.
Meanwhile, Ashley pulls Michael to the side and wonders why he hasn’t spoken to Lump yet. Michael then goes over to speak to Lump and hand him his birthday cake.
Both men agree that there’s no beef and they are family. Ashley loves this and kisses Michael lovingly.
Michael took things too far.
Three hours later, producers flash forward to a green screen interview of Robyn saying that Michael got drunk and told her he would suck one of the husband’s d*ck.
Michael is heard telling producers he hopes his microphone didn’t catch all the things he said that night. He has some regrets.
What are your thoughts on the episode?