By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Evelyn Lozada and Jennifer Williams made up on “Basketball Wives.”
On the latest episode, Jennifer apologized to Evelyn.
She was accused of making some nasty comments about Shanice.
Before the apology happened, Evelyn tried to run up on Jennifer.
Drinks were thrown and threats were made.
Security was able to keep things from getting violent.
Evelyn later admitted she was sorry for her actions on the show.
And she repeated this on Twitter.
However, she said a little differently in an interview with VH1.
She’s not so sure she would do anything differently.
Click next for the details.
I used to like Evelyn but after what she said and did to OG about what OGS HUSBAND WOULD S-X HER ALL DAY AND NIGHT. SHE SHOULD BE TAKEN OFF THE SHOW! This woman is a sl-t wh-re skank that would sleep with animals if they could pay her