By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
The latest episode of “Black Ink Crew” was an emotional one for Ceaser. He has been eyeing opening a shop in Brooklyn. This is important to him because it’s how he wants to honor his slain best friend Corey. Corey was killed while running Ceaser’s very first shop years ago. This shop happened to be located in Brooklyn.
However, not everyone is on board with Cease’s plan. Teddy has expressed that he thinks Cease could be moving too fast. With Puma being in support of a shop in Brooklyn, he’s pretty much back on Teddy’s bad side. It also appeared as if Donna had some reservations, too. During one scene, she seemingly stated that safety would be an issue. And other tattoo shops in Brooklyn don’t want Black Ink there. In fact, they said such on social media.
This angered Cease. And he called out Donna. He also felt like Donna was being insensitive about his best friend’s death. But later on, he admitted that Donna did make some good points. Ultimately, he decided to move forward with the shop.
Interestingly enough, Donna recently called out the show on Instagram. And she claims that the scene didn’t actually happen the way it looked. In fact, it was “hella fake.”
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