When it comes to Momma Dee, she’s known for her messy actions on “Love And Hip Hop Atlanta.” And she’s had her fair share of feuds on the show. While she’s in a good place with Bambi, she’s not here for Bambi’s mother Cece.
She said the issue is Cece put her hands on her while she allowed Cece to live in her home.
So she’s not really ready to make peace with Cece even though this is what Bambi and Scrappy want to happen.
On the latest episode, Momma Dee handed Cece an obituary she had made to emphasize that Cece is dead to her. This was upsetting to Scrappy and Bambi because Cece just beat cancer. Even though they told Momma Dee she took things to far, Momma Dee still hopped on Instagram and posted the obituary. And a lot of her followers called her out about it in the comments.
Check out the screenshots of the obituary below.