“Love And Hip Hop Miami” star Trina is getting dragged on social media. A lot of people take issue with the comments she made on the “Trick N’ Trina Morning Show.”
While discussing the looting that took place in Miami amid protests in response to George Floyd’s death, Trina went off. And she feels the curfew needs to be stricter.
Trina said, “They need to make the curfew from 6 pm to 6 am. That’s how I feel. Keep everybody off the streets, these animals off the streets that are running around in Miami Dade County are acting like they have escaped from a zoo. Lock them up at 5pm so the streets can be nice and clean. That’s how I feel.”
Trick Daddy then asked what the streets have to do with the lives taken by police and stresses that Trina has money. So she doesn’t understand. And people have been out of work and on lockdown due to the pandemic. Trina then said she’s been on lockdown too. However, she doesn’t agree with the looting because a close friend’s shop was vandalized and she had already been struggling to take care of her and her child due to the pandemic. So having business insurance won’t help her.
She also told Trick he wouldn’t want his restaurant Sunday’s Eatery vandalized. She said, “I don’t approve of it, period. I don’t approve of it, period cause you don’t want nobody burning down Sunday’s. Let’s be very clear. And you have insurance and you don’t want that.”
It seemed as if Trick was attempting to explain to Trina that businesses and material things can be replaced but nobody’s life can be brought back.
Trina added, “We can’t bring back nobody’s lives that have been taken away whether it was from the police or at the hands of another civilian. We cannot bring them back.”
She also brought up her brother’s murder, “I can’t bring back my little brother life. His life was taken at the hands of a man, a black man. I can’t bring his life back, so what are you saying?”
When Trick said that this isn’t about black people killing black people, Trina said, “Y’all always sweep that under the rug and then y’all wanna make something else.”
She stayed on this topic even after Trick said Black Lives Matter. Trina said, “The black lives that matter, right? The same black lives that are taken by the hands of other black people, those matter, too, huh?”
Trina added, “It’s no exception. A life is a life. Period, period. A life is a life. No matter how it was took. Whether it was a car accident, whether it was from a police, whether it was from the hands of another black man. A life was taken. Simple.”
And when it comes to the police officer who killed George Floyd, Derek Chauvin, Trina had this to say, “Are you going to put him in a death chair because otherwise all the rest of the stuff y’all doing doesn’t make sense to me. That’s what I’m saying.”
She also called out what she feels are people who are fake protesting, “All y’all fake and for the protests and the fake, ‘Oh we so concerned about George Floyd.’ Half of y’all not marching and not even caring about this man. People are just doing maliciously!”
And after Trick said that people shouldn’t have to fear the police, Trina responded with, “I’m never scared. I have my license and registration and insurance. I’m not scared. I know my rights.”
Check out the video below.