Yandy has been receiving criticism on social media.
When it comes to “Love And Hip Hop New York” star Yandy Smith, one thing she’s been passionate about is being active in the community. Before she got involved in fighting for justice for Breonna Taylor, she was focused on reforming the criminal justice system. This is something she even opened up about on the latest season of the show.
Despite this, some of her critics are questioning her authenticity.
And they have been vocal on social media. At this point, Yandy is irritated that people would even have their doubts about her intentions when she’s now been arrested twice in a span of weeks.
Yandy has had enough.
After Yandy was arrested again recently at another protest for Breonna Taylor, someone made an interesting comment on one of her Instagram posts.
Yandy saw the comment and interpreted as the Instagram user questioning if Yandy’s activism is all about clout.
In response to this comment, Yandy wrote, “you so d*mn ignorant. YOU THINK I WOULD LEAVE MY CHILDREN AND MY HUSBAND TO PROTEST FOR A WOMAN, A BLACK WOMAN THAT WAS MURDERED IN HER SLEEP, FOR CLOUT?????? So you’re admitting you think BLACK WOMEN HAVE NO VALUE?!! So Breonna’s life isn’t enough for me to want to hold the officers accountable…I must just want clout, right? You sound so SILLY. Dafuq is clout anyway?!!!! You follow me and I don’t know you. That’s clout enough sis.”