Evelyn Lozada and OG’s feud was very controversial.
“Basketball Wives” is set to return next year. And of course, there has been a lot of rumors about the cast. After the explosive recent season, some people weren’t sure the cast could stay the same. Evelyn Lozada and OG really can’t stand each other. They clashed over Chad Johnson. After Evelyn attempted to prove that OG was pursuing Chad romantically, OG actually proved that it was the other way around. But things didn’t stop there. In fact, things got shady on social media. But when Evelyn posted a monkey emoji, backlash ensued.
OG then accused Evelyn of being racist.
Evelyn clapped back with a defamation lawsuit. And she claimed that OG’s accusations were hurting her business deals that were on the table.
OG fought back with a countersuit, and she sued Evelyn for emotional distress.
So when it was recently reported that two cast members are refusing to film with each other, many speculated that it’s probably Evelyn and OG making the demands.
Brittish Williams has returned.
Jennifer Williams also confirmed that she is back for another season. And it’s rumored that Cece Gutierrez has decided not to return. And while it was rumored that Shaunie O’Neal was removed as the show’s executive producer, Jennifer said that it’s no truth to that rumor.
Interestingly enough, a familiar face is returning. Brittish Williams recently revealed that she will be on the upcoming season of “Basketball Wives.”
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