‘Married to Medicine’ Recap: Heavenly & Toya Make Progress + Anila & Lisa Clash

married to medicine season 9 episode 15
Photo Credit: Bravo

Heavenly and Toya make peace.

After the other women are able to get Lisa and Heavenly to stop arguing on the RV, they all focus on safely getting to their trip destination, Jekyll Island. They finally arrive to the resort 9 hours later.  Jackie talks to Heavenly about Toya and urges her to try to repair their friendship. However, Heavenly feels like Toya can say things to others, but can’t handle it when they return the fire.

Toya calls Eugene and tells him that Heavenly and Lisa had a major argument on the RV. So Eugene reminds her to just stay clear of the drama.

Heavenly later comes out of the hotel to chat with Toya. And she says that Toya was rude to her first.

Toya says that she and Eugene looked up to Heavenly and Damon when they first arrived to Atlanta. So Eugene was hurt that Heavenly threw so much shade about their past money issues. Heavenly says Toya should focus on where she and Eugene are now. And she and Damon are very proud of Toya and Eugene. They have a beautiful home and they should be proud of it. She apologizes and wants them to be able to talk things out better in the future.

Toya also apologizes to Heavenly. Both women just want things to be more positive between them. So they will work on arguing a lot less.

Contessa gets emotional while she talks about Scott.

Contessa takes a stroll on the beach with Quad and Jackie. She tells them that Scott’s been talking to a female therapist for several months. While she doesn’t think he’s cheating, she doesn’t like that her daughter told her Scott has a girlfriend. Contessa isn’t happy in her marriage. And she hopes that with time things get better. She breaks down in tears over this and Quad questions why she feels she has to “stay in agony” because she doesn’t want to get a divorce.

Regardless, Contessa loves her family. She wants to keep everyone together and work on her marriage. But she’s happy to know she has support from her friends.

Anila arrives late due to her Covid test coming back inconclusive. She took another one and it came back negative. In a green screen interview, Toya makes it clear that she’s not thrilled to see Anila.

Later on, Quad and Jackie fill Simone in about Contessa and Scott’s issues. Scott and the children FaceTime Contessa, and her daughter giggles about it being said that Scott has multiple girlfriends. Contessa doesn’t find this funny. And she can’t understand why Scott hasn’t corrected this behavior.

Quad comes up with the idea to invite the husbands on the trip so that the others can push Scott and Contessa to hash things out. This was helpful for Jackie and Simone when they hit rough patches in their marriages.

Anila clashes with Lisa.

At dinner, Heavenly tells everyone that she and Toya hashed things out. And she wants everyone to also know that she is proud of Toya’s accomplishments. In a green screen interview, Toya says she was shocked Heavenly said this. And she’ll have to see if her truce with Heavenly is actually genuine.

They play a game of answering rumors in which they have to write down a rumor and respond. Someone writes that they heard Anila doesn’t know how to budget. Toya says it wasn’t her handwriting and she didn’t have anything to do with this. In a green screen interview, Toya says that it is true that Anila struggles to stay on a budget. And producers flashback to scenes of Anila admitting that she didn’t pay Toya’s makeup artist yet.

Another rumor is Kari and Lisa stole $400 out of Anila’s purse. Kari denies this and Lisa thinks this is a ridiculous rumor. Quad says this is a serious accusation to make. And Anila says the money was stolen because people came in her room while they were in DC to change clothes. Lisa gets annoyed and says she didn’t steal anything. In her opinion, Anila needs to grow up.

Anila then says that she did an Instagram story for Lisa’s fashion line, and she wasn’t paid yet. Lisa asks if Anila sent her an invoice and Anila says she didn’t. Simone tells Anila that no one is going to ask for an invoice. You just send one after the work is complete. Lisa says Anila should just send the invoice so they can move on.

Toya isn’t ready to move forward with Anila.

Kari asks Toya and Anila if they can talk things out. Anila says she doesn’t want to talk in front of the group. At this point, she says she’s been trying to move forward with Toya. And she even talked to the others about how to go about doing this. But she doesn’t understand why Toya hasn’t been making the same effort. Toya then says she just needs some time, so the conversation doesn’t go far.

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