Miss Wanda responded to her critics.
When it comes to Miss Wanda, she’s always going to have LaTisha Scott’s back. And she will always speak her mind on “Love & Marriage: Huntsville.” This is one of the reasons why she’s had some tension with Martell Holt, Melody Holt, and Kimmi Scott.
Fans of the show either love her or fans are extremely annoyed by her actions.
While Wanda has been applauded for “keeping it real,” her critics have accused her of being ghetto. But Wanda isn’t bothered by the criticism and she addressed it recently on social media.
She said, “I can be ghetto, I can be ghetto because I’ma tell you what ghetto do. Ghetto get into yo a*s. That’s what ghetto do.” Wanda continued, “We get into yo a*s. That’s what ghetto stands for.”
Wanda also wanted her followers to know that despite the label, her family will always look out for each other, “I read up on it to see what it meant in the dictionary though, I did, I really did. And we ain’t none of that. Now if you wanna call me ghetto on that half, we get into yo a*s. That’s what ghetto stands for in my dictionary. Get into yo a*s, okay? Bring it on and we’ll bring it on wit you. Cause we will make it rain on yo a*s. We don’t play. My family is very close-knit.”
Does she not know someone out there is as Ghetto as she is and will get into that A$$$
Miss Wanda has not run inti the ONE yet. It is going to happen and I hope it is on TV so I can see
someone dust that A$$$ . My grandmother always told me the bigger they are, the harder they fall