Things got rocky between Alex and Donna.
“Black Ink Crew” star Donna isn’t happy with the current season of the show. Early on, the show focused on her relationship with Alex. Things became tense for them during the beginning of the pandemic. In fact, they were clashing so much that Donna decided they should slow down on setting a wedding date. She felt like Alex had some more maturing to do first. However, the rest of the crew thought their issues were way more serious. As Donna would argue with Alex in front of the others, some of the rest of the cast felt like Donna was abusive with her words. By the middle of the season, they began to suspect that Donna was physically abusive.
It all went left after Alex had a scratch on his face when he came around the group. He confirmed that he and Donna got into an argument. And when he was asked who was responsible for the mark on his face, he said it was all on Donna.
Donna immediately pushed back on this. She denied putting her hands on Alex but producers and certain cast members didn’t believe her.
Alex would later go on social media to tell fans that he lied. And he only accused Donna of putting her hands on him because he was upset with her at the time.
Well, Donna’s time on the show appears to be coming to an end now that Ceaser has blocked her from all the Black Ink shops.
And she recently called out Alex because she’s holding him responsible for her being pushed off of the show.
Click next for the details.
Why is Donna so hurt. She said the show should be cancled. You put yourself in this position. Always punking him. The relationship was toxic. Go be with Tati.
Alex still wanted to work at Black Ink after he got jumped by Ceaser and Teddy. That should have been a red flag to Donna. He clearly wants to stay on this show by all means necessary.
Never stay where you’re not wanted. Donna should have left years ago when it was obvious they didn’t want her there. With that being said, that’s the thing with reality shows. Everyone is expendable. Donna thought she would never be fired. She was very naive.
When will Donna blame Donna? I’m seriously waiting for the day she owns her own sh-t. I have grown tired of ‘let me see who I can f-ck with’. All of this energy she be focused on whatever that brings in revenue. Tattooing is mos def not the move.
She emasculated Alex. As much as he tried to love & respect her he paid the price for all of the priors she felt wronged her.
They really just need to cancel the whole show. I don’t see any point to this show at all.
THIS Show Has Truly Ran it’s Course!!!! B£sides I’m sick of Seeing Tap Dancing, Self Hating, Colorstruck AS NAGAs be DISRESPECTFUL to MELANATED Sistahs!!!! CAESAR and His “Black Women”” Hating Cousin Can Kick R○Cks!!!!
Old Bay (○r What £ver TF Her Name is), IS A SCANDALOUS Chick!!!! I Believe Ms Kitty When She Said That YB was Scr£wing Ceasar!!!! I Ston£ Cold Believe That, That’s why Niko’s Pappy Jetted…..He found Out Bout it!!!?