On the recent episode of “Basketball Wives,” Malaysia and Brandi continue their heated discussion about the end of their friendship. Malaysia once again denies knowing that Brandi’s father passed away. But at this point, Brandi says Malaysia knows now that her father died. And she still didn’t reach out. So Malaysia is still in the wrong. Feeling like she’s getting nowhere with Brandi in this conversation, Malaysia decides she’s better off without the friendship.
Interestingly enough, Duffey seems to be one person who doesn’t want Brandi and Malaysia to make up. She worries that she’ll be pushed aside if Brandi has Malaysia back in her life.
Plus, Duffey wants to get back to her DJ career. But her boo Iman wants her to stay at home and be a full-time mom.
Angel and Roccstar continue to argue a lot during her pregnancy. So she thinks a break is needed.
Here’s a recap for Episode 2.
Click next for the details.