Angel Brinks clashed with Jackie Christie on the recent episode of “Basketball Wives.”
“Basketball Wives” fans have a lot to say about the recent episode on social media. In the episode, Angel Brinks’ relationship was a hot topic. She had previously confided in DJ Duffey and Jackie Christie about her frustrations. In particular, she told Duffey that she doesn’t like the way Roccstar talks to her when they are having an argument. At times, she just feels like he’s disrespectful. Plus, Angel admitted that she was disappointed when Roccstar gifted her with another promise ring. She and her gender reveal guests thought it was a proposal at first. So the situation was a bit embarrassing for her.
Angel also told Jackie that she was concerned about her mother’s feelings about her relationship. Her mother didn’t feel like she knew Roccstar all that well. Plus, the thought of Angel having another baby while managing the success of her fashion business made her mother uncomfortable. She worried that Angel’s personal life would become too stressful for her to handle.
Well, after Duffey told Jackie about Angel’s feelings about the nonproposal, Jackie later told Angel and Roccstar about the conversation. On top of that, Jackie also talked about the situation with Jennifer Williams. And Angel was not happy that the ladies have been discussing her relationship behind her back.
Since Jackie’s actions led to drama, some fans have been calling her out on social media. They feel she took things too far and she’s too invested in other people’s relationships.
Jackie wasn’t feeling the backlash she’s been receiving. And she had some things to say, too.
Click next for the details.
It made no sense for Jackie to go back and repeat what Duffey said to Roccstar. He’s messy and all he’s going to do is make things worse because he likes fighting with women.
I am with you on that cause he looks like he loves to keep the messy stuff going
Jackie is a bone carrier and she is not happy unless these girls are fighting each other. Mind your own drama you got enough of it Jackie
Yes roccstar looks like he likes to keep up messy stuff
Yes, Roccstar loves keeping up messiness, he kept drama and stress going when he was on Love and hip-hop La. I was surprised when I saw Angel hooked up with him, they are the total opposite, but you know what they say opposites attract
Everybody know Roccstar a DRAMA QUEEN we saw that on L&HH
Jackie needs to mind her business, and leave others along. She’s not a relationship coach, don’t care how long she’s been married! I’ve been married 36yrs and wouldn’t have went to someone’s house dipping in their business. Jackie stay in your own lane!!! And you were wrong to get mad for something you started!!!!!!!
Jackie is to old to be hanging out with these girls who are closer to her daughters ages!! Ms new First Lady Shaunie is actually co-signing this crap!
I agree, Jackie is the biggest troublemaker there is and she always has been.. She loves to give relationship advice because she’s been married so long. We all know how long you’ve been married Jackie we know we know we know we know you don’t have to say it again and again and again again. You have always been the nosy one in everybody’s busiins start s*** like you always do. You’re too old to be on with these young girls. She thinks she’s a bag of chips and all that and I got news for you baby and she’s catching up to you.
Yeah Jackie really is to old to be with these young women, just because she been married a long time don’t make her an expert when it comes to marriage and she is always telling something. Jackie need to grow up and be a better example for these women!!! Jackie grow up and be a role model to them.
Jackie Christie is a pathetic woman who needs to grow up, and take accountability for her actions. Brandy needs to put Jackie in her place as well.