On the recent episode of “Love And Hip Hop Atlanta,” Scrappy is still feeling a type of way about his latest blowup with Bambi. He doesn’t like that she put him on blast for being back in communication with his ex-girlfriend Diamond. Regardless, he doesn’t think he’s in the wrong. His reasoning is Bambi didn’t make him feel like he was “that guy” so he had to get that from someone else. And even though Safaree warns Scrappy that moving on too quickly could lead to more issues, Scrappy thinks Safaree is the last one to talk.
Momma Dee insists that she is staying out of Bambi and Scrappy’s divorce drama. However, she finds time to tell a couple of people that Diamond may be pregnant.
Spice’s near-death moment has changed how she approaches things. Now she’s ready to take a closer look at her friendship circle. She doesn’t want Karlie around and it’s possible Meda has been leaking her business to the blogs.
Plus, Sierra’s relationship with Eric has spiraled out of control. Not only are her kids not getting along with him but Sierra feels he’s mentally abusive and controlling at times. But it won’t be easy to remove him because they recently (and secretly) married.
Here’s a recap for, “Straight Outta Excuses.”
Click next for the details.
Scrappy and Diamond are just using each other. Anyway, Sierra has the same storyline every season. Maybe she should just be single for a while since she has bad taste in men and ignores red flags.
I think Scrappy just want to move on ,an looking for a way out the marriage, and trying to make it look like everything is Bambi fault, knowing he the one who want to play around, I just hope who ever he deal with please leave momma dee out of the relationship, most of his break ups seems like she has a lot to do with it,an far as Sierra she just never satisfied it seemed like the guy she with really loved her but she nit pick to much
Sierra dude makes me feel like he’ll hurt her kids just to hurt her. He is not the fckn one! 🤦🏾♀️
He’s always running to his momma everybody that he have had a relationship with said the same thing it’s his momma fault come you’re a grown man he’s old enough to know better
Scrappy needs to grow up he’s moving from one woman to another dropping kids off along the way he needs to try to stay with one woman and raise his children his mom needs to take a hike she’s always in his business let him be a man Momma Dee maybe
one of his relationship will last!