RHOA Reunion Recap: Drew is Fed up with Ralph + Kenya Checks Him

Photo Credit: Bravo/YouTube

On the finale of “Real Housewives of Atlanta,” Drew and Ralph clash as they discuss the demise of their marriage. Ralph accuses Drew of having an affair with Ty Young. Drew claps back with cheating accusations of her own. And she claims the marriage had problems from the beginning. However, she didn’t share many things on the show to protect Ralph’s reputation. But now she’s done trying to keep things to herself. 

Sanya is grateful to have received so much support after she had a miscarriage. However, she doesn’t feel like Kenya was there for her. And Kenya is starting to think Sanya just wants a problem with her. 

Sheree and Kandi face off again. Kandi isn’t here for Sheree saying that she doesn’t share much about her life on RHOA. She claps back by telling Sheree she fired a few times. Sheree hisses she was brought back because Kandi was boring.

Andy and the cast feel uncomfortable when Ralph joins them on the stage. He tries to paint Drew as a cheater and manipulator but Kenya isn’t having it. 

Here’s a recap for, “Reunion Part 2.”

Click next for the details.

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  1. I have to give all RESPECT to Kenya for having Drew’s back and holding Ralph feet to the fire white the other girls just sat there with smirks on their faces…. U can just look and list to Ralph and know he’s full of 💩 He’s definitely gaslighting Drew..u can tell he never values Drew’s feelings in the marriage….And to side with the so called “Cousin” to play in Drew’s face… he’s a total BAN!!! Once again,I give all RESPECT to Kenya!!

  2. Ralph seems to be a very immature and childish man, I believe everything Drew said about him. I did not blame Drew’s sister for wanting to beat Courtney’s a-s, she had no business in Ralph’s dressing room, a married man interfering into his marriage.

  3. Ralph is full of crap. After the years of his unexplainable behavior, his manhood is challenged because he thinks Drew is having an affair with a woman. All while he still couldn’t come up with a good excuse for his disappearing act, when he went out of town a couple of seasons ago. No husband behaves like that and surely do just up and go out of town without communicating with their spouse. So he doesn’t want done what he’s been doing, and he’s worried about his children.

  4. Drew should realize that if her friends are saying that her assistant was spreading the rumor at least check it out. Sometimes the people you trust the most in your life will do you dirty. 💯 💯💯💯

  5. All of it is sickening and disheartening!
    1. Kandi – You are the biggest disappointment this season. You were a gas lighter! You came for Sheree’s business good or bad and she hit you back well. Now, you want to sue. Is it true? You’re a control freak and you want to do the doing like your mother and always win. You’ve got a good man and children. Focus on them and not on who Drew may or may not have kissed. Not everyone is as free as you are in their sexual stories.
    2. Kenya – You’re a gem! You get the best season award. You maintained your cool until Marloooow continued to come at you. The bottomless b____ was the quote of the season. You’re spending a lot of time in raising our Miss beautiful Brooklyn Doris Daley. Whether her father chooses to be in her life or not, you’re doing a fantastic job. You will succeed in your business ventures because you are a businesswoman. Lastly, pay Marc Daley and be done. It may sting a little and it may hurt your budget but your peace of mind is worth more than he could ever get.
    3. Drew – I’m wishing you healing. I do believe that Ralph has been an abuser since the beginning of your marriage but that’s who you fell in love with. You need to continue therapy to find out why. Stay close to your family and allow your sister to support you. Dr Ken appears to be awakening a lot of things in you. Ralph may or may not every change. RALPH IS AN ABUSER! He is emotionally unequipped to be what you need from a husband. I will say this about a woman who has been married to a narcissist like Ralph but now divorce. Unless Ralph is willing to go to therapy and get some help, you are doomed. I believe in the covenant of marriage but not to this degree. No one, absolutely no one can make a decision about your marriage. If you stay or if you go, that is your choice. Those who love you will support you no matter what. Courtney should be sued for what she said. She is a mentally disturbed woman who must not have ever been married to discuss someone’s marriage so openly. I don’t have any respect for her and she doesn’t deserve any respect. She is a sick woman.
    4. Sanya – I believe that she should stay on the show because her and her husband can bring a lot to the show. For one, they are married! And, they are dealing with businesses, family and the everyday challenges of being who they are. I’m not fond of her being friends with Marlooow but maybe, she sees another side of Marloooow. What I will say is this, she better be very careful about what she shares with Marlooow because if she continues to disagree with some of what Marloooooow does, Marloooow will bite her and tell all of her business.
    5. Sheree – Needs to keep her job. Her reaction to Kandi was epic. Kandi actually deserved what Sheree brought but you all should be better than that. So, now you’re even and now you should be able to move forward with respect of boundaries. Sheree, you need a real man and you need to stop being messy with Marloooow. Remember, Marlo came for you before and she will do it again. Pay your bills and keep your job so that you can keep your business.

  6. KUDOS! to Kenya for stepping up & having Drew’s back despite their differences. You would’ve thought Sheree would jumped on the train especially since she knows first hand about being treated like crap in her marriage to Bob. What good is it being dubbed OG? Ralph was just sitting there with that “Sly as a Fox” look on his face & refused to own up to any of discomfort he has caused Drew. He won’t change, Drew needs to just move on for the sake of her sanity & het children! Courtney is so conniving I’m surprised she survived the season without being drug down the block. Heifer with the lopsided boobs BEGONE!

    I’m looking forward to next season & the new additions! Hopefully, the production & writing will be BETTER!!!

  7. They need to get rid of Marlo she doesn’t bring nothing to the show sheree you need to pay your bills and stop trying to be something that you’re not.

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