LAMH Recap: Marsau Apologizes to Melody + Martell is Fed up with Marsau

Marsau apologizes to Melody.

Melody and Marsau continue their tense back and forth as the episode begins. Melody wants Marsau to own up to throwing jabs at her. Of course, this leads to the allegations of who paid and who didn’t for the expo. In response to this, Marsau throws Melody’s bankruptcy in her face. She clarifies that she filed for bankruptcy due to Martell filing first amid their divorce. But Marsau filed for bankruptcy because his “finances weren’t right.”

As things get tense, Melody mentions she’s still in property preservation, something she got Marsau into.

At the end of the conversation, Marsau mentions the town hall that Kimmi and Maurice are hosting and that since he values her feedback, he wants Melody to attend.

Tiffany opens up about her postpartum depression.

Meanwhile, Louis and Tiffany take Baby Ace for his first picnic. It’s been a while since Louis has been home and they are all spending time together. Louis is now Alabama A&M Baseball’s pitching coach, he’s on the road quite a bit.

During their picnic, Tiffany lets Louis know that she’s overwhelmed with work and motherhood. She feels that now matter what she accomplished, she feels she hadn’t accomplished anything. Tiffany mentions that she’s experiencing postpartum depression and she wants Louis home to help her get through this. However, he’s gone with the team as it’s A&M’s baseball season.

Louis tells Tiffany that they knew tings where going to change once she had the baby. He also has obligations that he had to take care of. During their conversation, Tiffany mentions she’s scared that she’s going to lose Louis and that he’s going to see another woman while out on the road. Louis tells her that he know what he has at home and isn’t losing that.

And the end of their conversation, Tiffany wants more quality time and physical touch from Louis and he says he will do a better job in giving those things to her.

Despite the tension, Marsau accepts the feedback.

It’s the day of the town hall meeting.  This begins with Martell getting angry at Marsau when Marsau mentions what he said to Melody about discounting their business. Kimmi and Melody show up late as they see Martell and Marsau having a tense conversation. Melody confirms Marsau apologized to her.

This leads to the constructive feedback given to LaTisha and Marsau over the expo. LaTisha says they wanted to have breakout sessions during their next expo. Next, Stormi says they should have motivational content and networking.

Stormi feels Marsau got sassy with her when he calls her “Courtney’s wife.” In response, Courtney says he should have LaTisha talk and take over because she’s more organized. Everyone notices the tension between Marsau and Stormi.

Marsau replies that in his business they don’t believe in gender roles. This is where Kimmi steps in to tell Marsau that they’re getting away from the purpose of their meeting.

Next, Melody brings up the booth payments and other disorganization. Despite this, LaTisha pushes back. It’s at this point that Melody leaves to catch a flight. At the end of this, Maurice speaks up as Marsau irritates everyone else. He sarcastically agrees with Stormi when she accuses him of acting like a *****. Marsau then calls Stormi “sweetie” in response, and says that Stormi and Courtney won’t be needed next time. Stormi brings up Marsau causing a scene over $100. When Maurice brings up the vendors paying, Stormi, backed by Kimmi, says they weren’t aware of this. To avoid things getting further tense between Courtney and Marsau, Stormi decides it’s time for them to leave. Maurice says this was a massive failure and Kimmi says that Marsau has been failing their meetings for years. 

Marsau labels this one a success because he was able to get under Stormi’s skin.

Kimmi and Nell face off.

The next day, Nell stops by Kimmi’s office to recap everything that’s happened. Nell says she’s not sure she’s okay with LaTisha. Kimmi wants to make sure that, despite this, she’s okay with Nell. They discuss the feedback session for LaTisha and Marsau. She explains to Nell her goal of the meeting and didn’t want people to complain. Nell responds that she didn’t want to complain and Kimmi shouldn’t have made that call for her. 

She makes it known that she and Chris were in business the longest in Huntsville. Kimmi reiterates that she wanted actually, constructive feedback from the people who were there. However, Nell feels the core six of the Comeback Group should listen to her, Chris, and others who’ve been in business in Huntsville.

Kimmi lets Nell know that she wants both of them involved in future events.

Martell goes off about Marsau.

Lastly, Martell meets with Fred, his partner in their custom home-building business. They meet at a job site. Since the divorce, Martell had to file for bankruptcy and it ruined his credit. Despite this, he’s able to slowly get back to business. He’s able to get permits issued by the county. 
Chris stops by the site. He lets Martell know that he needs to move out of the home by the weekend. In his interview, Chris says Martell needs to man up and get out of the house so it can be sold.

Next, Chris brings up his conversation with Marsau and how Marsau didn’t know about the daycare. Fred brings up he would’ve loved to be involved. This leads to Martell going off, especially when Fred mentions that Melody spoke at an event he attended. Martell mentioned that he knew about Melody’s business acumen back when Marsau was wearing the big suits at the movie theater.

In fact, Marsau says he and Melody are the reason why Scholt is where it is. 
And he can’t stand fake people who are disrespectful to those who helped them.

What are your thoughts about the episode?


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  1. You know the show has gone all the way left when I’m agreeing with friggin Martell, of all people. I feel like I’m in the damn Twilight Zone!

  2. I agree with both Troy and Jude. Marsau is such a donkey who I think like to hear himself talk. He contradicts himself and when someone calls him on it, he try’s to switch it to something else and sound like a bigger A-s. He doesn’t like to give woman credit for anything. Like Martell said none of them may not be as successful if it wasn’t for their platform. Mel proved that she’s been doing this and Marsau is low key jealous. I loved when she told Marsau that he didn’t want his wife around her because in a nutshell she’ll finally see her self worth and leave him. Also Mel dropped jewels that he’s using his side so it can appear that she’s the primary share owner, so if it wasn’t for latisha would Marsau really be where he is. Latisha better wisen up and see her value and that Marsau needs her more than she needs him. No one else is going to put up with his mess. Just like he was coming from being with another female when he got into an accident with that sports car years ago when he was going to meet up with the guys at the camping trip. I’m sure this is his opportunity to be stepping out undetected while he has his wife and younger children living in a totally different home . We’ll see how much longer their relationship is going to survive.

  3. Everybody that has been watching this show knows that Melody, and Martell, were the it couple, and Marsau and Latisha Scott were riding on Martell and Melody’s coat tails. PLAIN AND SIMPLE now all of a sudden Marsau and Latisha are “a well-established “BUSINESS Couple” Please give me a break.
    This is the thing with “BOTTON FEEDERS”, when they think they have a little success, with help from generous friends, they get the big head slow down Marsau and Letisha the fall down is a painful one

    1. I agree with you Melody & Martell, are the couple————Marsau and his wife know that as well. Regarding the Town Hall Meeting it was needed. Regarding the $100 what did they do with that money (No Food) was provided, unanswered questions???????

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