LHHMIA Highlights: Ray Causes Drama Between Amara & Princess + Fabo Moves on to Gaelle

Photo Credit: VH1/YouTube

On the latest episode of “Love & Hip Hop: Miami,” Princess goes straight to the source. Fabo and Gaelle hook up, plus Marlon and Allan nearly come to blows. Here are the highlights for, “Sound & Fury.”

Princess Love gets into an altercation with Amara and Estelita.

The episode begins with Princess and Amara having a heated conversation about what happened with Ray J. Amara tells Princess she didn’t have to tell her about Ray J being flirty during their business meeting. Princess calls Amara fake and ends up slapping her.

Estelita jumps in since she invited Princess to her eyelash line launch party without giving Amara a heads-up. At the time, Estelita was upset with Amara because she made peace with Shay behind her back. She still believes Shay mocked the sexual abuse she experienced as a child during a previous season of the show. Regardless, she feels she had to jump into the altercation and have Amara’s back.

Princess isn’t fazed by taking on Estelita and Amara simultaneously. After it’s over and security gets everything under control, Princess smugly takes a selfie with Bobby to post to social media. She wants the world to see that Amara and Estelita failed to do any damage to her face.

Amara later meets up with Ray J at the hospital to tell him her version of events. She tells him Princess “slapped the ****” out of her and she injured her nails. Amara wants revenge so she’s considering sleeping with Ray J or suing Princess to achieve that. The scene ends with Amara insisting Ray J walks inside the facility to pay her medical bills.

Fabo moves on to Gaelle.

Now that Amara’s baby daddy Allan has been spending time with Florence, Gaelle has moved on to Fabo. They go out on a date and do a lot of flirting. When Fabo questions if Gaelle is ready to go to war if they keep spending time together, Gaelle says she’s prepared for the pushback.

Bobby meets with Princess to discuss the drama that took place at Estelita’s eyelash launch. Princess has no regrets. She thought she had a friendship with Amara. But she went behind her back and flirted with Ray J. Princess knows Amara would have been livid if she had done the same with Allan. Bobby agrees. He points out that Amara has a history of having nasty fallouts with her female friends.

Both also address Brooke not doing anything to help calm the situation and seemingly acting as if she enjoyed the fight.

Estelita visits Amara at her home while she’s getting IV fluids to heal from the altercation. Amara is upset that Estelita invited Princess to her event. Estelita admits she did this to get even with Amara for making up with Shay. She wants Amara to see that she is a very loyal friend who deserves loyalty in return.

They hug it out.

Marlon confronts Allan.

Princess and Ray J talk about Amara. Ray J says he did go to Amara’s house but they didn’t sleep together. At the time, he wanted to sleep with anyone he could to get under Princess’ skin. Princess calls him and Amara trash. She goes on to say she slapped Amara because she deserved to get slapped. She doesn’t want to be with Ray again. And he deserves to be slapped, too.

Marlon confronts Florence and Allan while they are working on music in a recording studio. The men exchange insults and security has to keep them from scrapping.

What are your thoughts on the episode?


  1. Princess out here making herself look stupid she out here putting her hands on another woman for Ray j she jeopardizes her freedom for him. He never respected her from day one, but she thought that marrying him was going change him. Amara is a beautiful woman a lot of these women on that is jealous of her. I hope she press charges against her maybe she will think twice before she do it again.

    1. I need some of you to use your common sense. This show is fake and Amara isn’t suing anyone because it’s not allowed in their contract. In real life Princess dates John Boyega. Amara is no one to envy. None of these people are baby.

  2. Princess really whooped Amara and Estelita a-s. How you jump somebody and still lose? 😂 Slap her again Princess! Amara has been corny since the beginning.

  3. Let me tell you something Gaelle would have gotten the life beat out of her if I was on the show and she tried my leftovers she is disrespectful and she’s playing a deadly game with ppl families and emotions dude are going to be dudes but have some self respect … talking about she got hot when fabo disrespected Shay mother girl
    that’s some sick 💩

  4. I don’t like Amara because she’s fake and always plays the victim. Her being pretty doesn’t undo the fact that she was supposed to be Princess friend and then turned around and showed her breasts to Ray J. Girl code doesn’t matter to fake and male identified/pick me women like Amara. I’m over her completely. This is the first time I’ve ever agreed with Princess about anything. Some still think Amara is that harmless pretty lady who wore an Afro. I see right through her.

  5. I still remember Ray J pushing Princess into a pool of water. 😁 Now she is expecting respect from a man who chronically cheats. Ok

    1. I can’t stand that shrimp Ray J, he acts like a girl always sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong, he’s
      who Princess should have slapped, the taste out of his mouth.

  6. Who flying to another city to check someone over an ex that has consistently cheated 🤦‍♀️ I heard Princess was dating John Boyega so hunny let the ghetto ish go like April did with Taye Diggs ✌️🤷‍♀️

    Furthermore Gaelle is a hot ho, trash bag wanna be! These men are crazy cuz she will sleep with anyone but I peeped Allan wasn’t really trying to go there but opted for flo. And omg Flo retarded azz talking about getting revenge with Allan on Gaelle and Amara when she slept with her husband 🤦‍♀️. If these aren’t fake story lines there is no way that chic would be around me sister or not smh dummies

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