Stormi walks away.
The episode begins with Stormi walking off after Marsau tells Stormi “According to your culture, the b**** word is used frequently”. Stormi feels Marsau was purposely being disrespectful. Meanwhile, in their interview, Marsau says he feels that Courtney and Stormi won’t be friendly to them if they can’t call Marsau the B-word.
The event ends when Stormi speaks out, saying LaTisha and Marsau’s energy is off and they leave. Afterward, Marsau says they aren’t having double dates with anyone they don’t know and LaTisha agrees, saying they’re sticking with the core, referring to the comeback group.
Kimmi and Maurice go to therapy.
Meanwhile, Kimmi invited a sex therapist to their home. Maurice wasn’t aware this was going to happen. When the therapist, Dr. Fuller, arrives, she speaks with Kimmi first. Kimmi reveals that before her cancer diagnosis, Maurice’s sex drive was higher than hers. The cancer treatment widens the gap even further.
Maurice tells Dr. Fuller that their sex life is good if they’re having it. When they turn back to Kimmi, Dr. Fuller asks them both on a scale of 0 to 10, how is their intimacy. Kimmi says 4, and Maurice says 2-3.
Next, Dr. Fuller tells Maurice that chemo took a toll on Kimmi’s libido, and they will have to put forth effort long-term to grow it once more.
When they are brought back together, Maurice’s eyes are opened when he realizes that Kimmi desires someone to help her since she was a single parent before they got together.
At the end, Dr. Fuller gives them an activity to perform to work on their intimacy, and Maurice happily agrees to participate.
Chris and Nell invite the cast to Houston.
The next day, the Fletchers invite everyone to a rodeo-themed restaurant and give them all cowboy hats. The Steeles are of course cold towards LaTisha and Marsau when they greet them. Everyone shows up, even Melody and Martell. Of course, Melody isn’t interested in being in Martell’s presence.
The hats represent an invitation to a cast trip to Houston, Texas. Everyone is excited except Melody, who remembers what happened on the last cast trip to Las Vegas. But, as long as she’s on the other side of the house and can lock the door, Melody says she’ll be fine.
After this, Kimmi pulls Stormi aside as LaTisha recaps what happened with her hair site’s website with Melody and Nell. LaTisha calls Stormi “fake and tacky” after she learns Stormi talked about the website controversy with Nell. Meanwhile, Stomi talks to Kimmi about the bad vibes from LaTisha and Marsau and tells Kimmi about the double date.
While Kimmi agrees that Marsau can be condescending, she feels Stormi is the same way.
Despite Stormi’s apprehension, Marsau can be cordial. Meanwhile, Melody talks to Nell about the trip and Nell ensures she’ll keep Martell away from her.
Melody puts boundaries in place.
Later on, the current cast arrives in Houston with the Fletchers arriving first at the Houston mansion. Melody arrives at the house next and she’s ready for a vacation. Chris tries to joke about putting her close to Martell, and Melody uses this to set her boundaries about Martell. Speaking of Martell, he arrives next. Kimmi and Maurice show up followed by LaTisha and Marsau. It’s at this point, that Chris and Nell show everyone to the rooms.
When they settle into their rooms, Maurice is caught off-guard when Kimmi brings up his comments about their sex life. She’s referring to Marsau’s comments about “rolling over and suffering through it” made to Carlos King. As a result, Kimmi says he owes her mom and family an apology.
She uses this moment to practice their intimacy exercise and hear what Maurice will say to her mom.
Meanwhile, LaTisha tells Marsau about why Louis and Tiffany aren’t coming. She uses the comment to tell Marsau about the negative pregnancy test. Marsau insinuates that he would demand a blood test if LaTisha would be pregnant.
LaTisha feels Marsau’s comments about the test are insensitive.
What are your thoughts about the episode?
All the therapy in the world is not going to help Maurice.
Agreed. He keeps saying its all in her head but chemo is no joke. My mom is going through it now and there are days she cannot even eat. Her weight goes up and down and she physically exhausted so I understand Kimmi’s predicament. I do not understand why Maurice thinks she can take a damn pill or blink her eyes and the aftermath of the chemo will just disappear.
Unfortunately I too agree. He is selfish period. His brother is no better so we can ascertain this is how they were both raised….their culture to be boorish.
Marsau does not like Stormie because she of all the women on the cast put his a-s on blast. He acts like a bish and she was just the one to tell him about himself. Chris and Tiffany’s husband are the only 2 men on the cast who showed a true measure of respect for women.
Apparently Latisha needs more ATTENTION from her husband.
DESIRED OF HER.????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????