Quad Webb’s unpopularity with her Married 2 Med costars has rubbed some fans the wrong way.
“Married to Medicine” fans took to social media to call out the cast for icing out Quad Webb during the latest season. Quad wasn’t in the best place with anyone on the cast. Toya Bush-Harris was still upset with Quad for suspecting she and Dr. Eugene Harris had something to do with Anila Sajja’s home being burglarized. Quad was still invited to Napa Valley. However, the trip was also used as a call-out session. Dr. Simone Whitmore called out Quad for only coming around when it was time to film the show. Dr. Heavenly Kimes echoed the same sentiment. She told Quad she is someone who uses other people. Although Quad was dismissed from the trip, she returned for the finale and the reunion.
Quad was able to have productive conversations with Toya, Simone, and Dr. Jackie Walters at the reunion. Toya even felt like Quad finally took accountability for the burglary accusations. But it was one scene in particular that really angered some of the fans. In the scene, Simone told Quad she’d been there for her even when they weren’t on good terms. She said this includes Quad’s recent loss of a family member. When Quad asked Simone not to say more, Simone went into the specifics regarding the death of Quad’s niece.
Some fans took to social media to accuse Simone of taking things way too far. They felt like Simone intentionally wanted to hurt Quad at that moment.
Dr. Simone Whitmore and Toya Bush-Harris shared their thoughts.
Well, Simone addressed this during an interview with Carlos King.
She said, “I was making a very specific point that needed to land. And the point is even when she is not speaking to me, even when I’m not speaking to her, I show up. I think that is how I process who is real in my life versus who’s just here faking it.”
She continued, “Atlanta is one of those cities where people are here when the money is rolling when the times are good, people…the room is full. It is when **** is down that you got those one or two people right by your side. And even though she was saying not to say it, honestly, it’s been said before, it’s been on the news, it’s been on social media, it is not like I said anything that was not already out there.”
Simone didn’t understand how she crossed the line.
“It is not like I gossiped about anything I heard surrounding it. But the point was no matter what condition you and I are in, I still showed up for you in a real way, the realest that it’s ever gonna ever get.”
Regardless, Simone went on to say she is remorseful for hurting Quad and possibly anyone else.
Simone said that she and Quad made up at the reunion. But Quad stopped speaking to her once the reunion aired and fans started calling her out. So it just seems like Quad switched up on her.
Toya told Carlos that she wasn’t mad at Quad. But she believes Quad gaslights the “Married to Medicine” fan base.
“I’m not mad at her. I just don’t like the gaslighting that she does. She constantly plays the role.”
She added, “She waits for the audience to say things like, But they don’t like you Quad. You should go on ‘Real Housewives of Atlanta.’ And it’s just like isn’t this the same thing that you did with Mariah? It’s the exact same thing.”
Toya thinks Quad can be hypocritical.
“For the life of me, I don’t understand why she can’t see it. You literally said this girl was on drugs, you went on and said her family…y’all said whatever about each other, right? Dragged each other in the mud. Never came back around. But you want people to come back around for you.”
Toya is right about Quad but I think most fans are just tired of seeing them ice people out. It’s not cool.
Cant stand Toya’s a-s either. She is too hateful and FAR from innocent
Quad absolutely is getting what she gave to Mariah. Her reckless mouth accused Mariah of being on drugs and then accused Toya and Eugene of being behind Anila’s burglary. I, for one, never believed her and see her as an unreliable and lying friend whenever anyone gets on her bad side. I hope she goes away from our TV and seeks private therapy or Jesus because she clearly needs help.
All the ladies have done each other dirty. No one is innocent. Mariah equally made awful accusations against Quad. And so has Toya so just stop. Mariah was iced out by ALL the ladies and not just Quad. The Quad hate is going into overkill at this point.
Quad is, was, faking it for the camera. Despite what she claims, she needs that check. Dr. G is no longer financially supporting her businesses. I never understood the outrage of Simone saying that she was there during Quad’s tragedy, when Quad had given several interviews about her niece’s death. Quad did all that crying with no 😢. She still didn’t have any heat for Jackie and Heavenly who had the most negative comments about her.
I’m over the Quad pith party. Yes it’s not new news about her niece it’s been all over social media. In fact t Quaf made several interviews herself, like move on and stop reaching. And that Tea, ughhhh!!!! Ion even drink tea anymore because of her. Simmer down Chile, ur education level shows with every spoken word. It ain’t like Dr G got women lined up baby. Tea too upset with Quad for no reason, Quad never wanted him other than financially
I agree with everything you said except the last bit. Quad is the one who keeps picking at Sweet Tea and it’s been off-putting for me. That lady didn’t do anything to Quad and she keeps shading her on IG, interviews and WWHL. Makes no sense when G and Quad wanted out of that marriage and seem happier since divorcing.
You cant be serious. Quad hasnt done anything to Tea. Heavenly and Toya have said the worst. And as usual you ignore all of them and pick on Quad. Tea isnt innocent either. Wanting Quads name banned even before she ever met her. How did she think that is possible if they are on the same show? She clearly had an issue with Quad first. The current always has and issue with the ex.
I love Toya & Eugene. They appear to be on point in life and careers. I like Toya’s attire and that she doesn’t miss shade. She is always a better friend than what she gets! Eugene is just fabulous and a cutie, sorry Toya, and he’s a Dr.!!