BBWLA Highlights: Evelyn’s Investigation of Jackie Was Payback for Comment About Daughter

Basketball Wives Season 11 Episode 17 Evelyn
Photo Credit: Vh1

On the latest episode of “Basketball Wives,” Brandi frustrates Brooke and Evelyn by inviting Jackie to her cookbook event. Plus, Evelyn tells the group about Jackie’s alleged arrest. Here are the highlights for, “Uninvited Guests, Unintended Consequences.”

As the wedding date draws near, Jennifer and Christian have tough decisions to make.

Jennifer and her fiancé Christian are getting closer to their wedding day. Unfortunately, they realize they want different things as they discuss wedding invitations. Christian thinks Jennifer wants to invite too many people. When he suggests not allowing guests to have a plus one, Jennifer strongly disagrees. This leads to some stress. Luckily, a premarital counseling session makes them reflect on what they need to work on individually to be a stronger couple. Jennifer can let her guard down and share more substantial details about herself. Christian can work on not closing down when he’s had a frustrating day.

Brooke and her loved ones decide the best tribute for her daughter Kayla are tattoos. It’s a way for them to grieve and bond during such a difficult time.

Evelyn tells the other ladies that exposing Jackie is payback for comments made years ago.

Brandi invites all the ladies to an event to celebrate her new cookbook. They enjoy her food but the good energy doesn’t last long when Brooke and Evelyn realize Jackie has been invited. They grill Brandi about inviting Jackie.

Although Jackie’s “friend” Cheyenne shows up, Jackie never makes an appearance. So Evelyn figures it’s the best time to divulge what the private investigator she hired alleged. She breaks down in tears and claims she only brought Jackie’s past arrest to the forefront because she’s still hurt by Jackie’s “build a wh*re” comment about her daughter years ago.

The ladies are stunned to learn Jackie was allegedly arrested for prostitution in 1987.

What are your thoughts on the episode?


  1. Evelyn is boring. She’s worried about what Jackie was doing in the 80s but admitted she ate a man’s butt because he had a lot of money in this same episode. How is that not a form of prostitution? And Jenn is the source of the build a wh*re stuff. End this show. It’s awful. And tired.

    1. Evelyn is a miserable woman and she needs to be put off the show for those lies she been a wh-re with her buddies

  2. Evelyn has been one of my favorite bbw since the beginning….however this mess she try to dig up on Jackie has me starting to look at her differently….I use to always wanted to see a Evelyn vs Brandi and FINALLY it’s here my money on Brandi .

  3. Brooke and Evelyn are so irritating and childish. Oh and boring. They have no storyline outside of Jackie. They want to run off all the wives when they’re too boring to carry the show. Vanessa and Jackie were the only source of entertainment left. Producers were foolish to keep prioritizing the losers who aren’t even married to basketball players. Now this show can’t be saved.

  4. I don’t like Jackie but, I could care less about her being a hooker a hundred years ago. What did pike me
    was Evelyn eating some man’s behind and she’s didn’t marry dude. She couldn’t have gotten too much money since she’s still out here hustling. That is so disgusting & Brooke was with it. These women are
    truly hoes & wanna talk trash about Jackie. By the way Evelyn, Liz Taylor actually got married to her
    men not just engaged which is nothing to brag about.

  5. It’s always the same bullsh-t with Evelyn. Every season she wants to isolate somebody and push them off the show when she’s the most useless one there. Brooke, Jac’Eil, and Jennifer are scary a-s followers. Brandi is annoying as f-ck but I respect that she’ll never let Shaunie or Evelyn play with her. Evelyn needs her a-s whooped again. The network lost the moment they propped up Evelyn over Tami. Now barely anyone watches this sh-t.

  6. And not one tear fell. If they don’t pack this dumb a-s show up. It’s been sh-t for years because of Evelyn. End it already.

  7. Evelyn waited how many years for get over the build a whore comment? Come on now, that’s the best she could do?

  8. These women baffle me when they claim some of the most petty stuff that “hurt” them but they have no pity for the ones they hurt by their bullying and intimidation. Every chance she got last season she savagely bullied and demeaned, Vanessa Rider, Brittany Renner and Clayana Wartham. Jennifer and Brooke tagged right along besides her. It was disgusting to watch. Now she sits on national tv fake crying about some words Jackie spoke from years ago. It appears that what she said resonated as true and the truth will make you cry sometimes. Evelyne needs to stop using what Jackie said as an excuse for her behavior. There was no need for her to get a PI to look into Jackie or anyone else. The Karma that will return for her(Evelyn) will bring real tears but no amount of tears will bring sympathy.

  9. Jackie being arrested for hooking in 1987 is not interesting. It’s 2024 and she’s been married to the same man for decades. Evelyn is a cornball and production was wildin to make this the main topic.

  10. Jackie sold herself because it was her only thing of value. Foster kids lose everything when they age-out the system. No roof over your head and find yourself somewhere to sleep/eat at 18yrs old.
    Evelyn has been engaged to a NBA & MLB and married NFL player. Been on a successful reality show for >10yrs. Has(d) multiple companies in her name but she still need to like someone’s anything for $$. No you a lazy whole that thinks she’s to good to work for her money.
    I know she hates Tami’s guts *Shaunie does too*
    Tami is a ĺeading cast on multiple successful tv shows. Still married to her young fine husband that loves her to to pieces. And several other successful business platforms. Tami is “The best revenge is success” in the flesh

  11. Why wait until someone isn’t around to divulge information on them because you’re still hurt? So weak I also would rather not discuss people who no longer are on the show

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