BBW Recap: Jackie Responds to Evelyn’s Accusations + Cheyenne’s Family Runs up on Brooke

Photo Credit: VH1/YouTube

On the latest episode of “Basketball Wives,” Jackie makes her return. Cheyenne informs her that Evelyn hired a private investigator. And the investigator alleged that Jackie was arrested in 1987 for prostitution. What follows is a chaotic event that results in Brooke nearly coming to blows with Cheyenne’s family members. Here is the recap of, “I’m a Sh*t Finisher.”

Brooke and Brandi hash things out.

After Brandi clashes with Evelyn for inviting Jackie to her cookbook event, she realizes she needs to have a sit down with Brooke. Brandi apologizes for inviting Jackie without giving Brooke a heads-up. She says she doesn’t care about Jackie and is only concerned for Brooke. Brooke accepts Brandi’s apology. She then receives a call from Evelyn who invites her to Cheyenne’s women’s empowerment event. Jackie will be there but Brooke will attend because it’s a positive environment. Brandi will be Brooke’s plus-one.

Jackie responds to Evelyn’s accusations with accusations of her own.

Cheyenne and Jackie meet ahead of the women’s empowerment event. When Jackie is informed of Evelyn alleging she was arrested for prostitution in 1987, Jackie is furious. Evelyn is the brokest person in the group according to Jackie. She denies that she was ever arrested for prostitution. Jackie says this is likely a mistaken identity situation or AI. She then alleges that she heard Evelyn is into bestiality. Regardless of the messy situation, Jackie promises to keep it peaceful at Cheyenne’s event.

Evelyn and Brandi reset.

Although Evelyn and Brandi had tension over Brooke, they are able to be cordial at the women’s empowerment event. So they agree they will talk things out at a later time. When Jackie arrives, she has a icy conversation with Brandi who now wants to back off from Jackie in lieu of just making things right with Brooke. Jackie seemingly notices the coldness and the conversation ends awkwardly.

Cheyenne and Brooke clash.

When speakers start taking the stage, the vibe of the event starts to shift. Cheyenne becomes irritated when Brooke refuses to stand up for a speaker so she asks Brooke to stand. Brooke refuses repeatedly. At the end of the evening, Cheyenne thanks everyone for attending. Brooke proceeds to tell Cheyenne to never call her out in front of her guests like that ever again and she wasn’t the only one who didn’t stand. Cheyenne doesn’t care about any of this and lets Brooke know she’ll call out “classless” behavior at her events as she sees fit. She calls for security to escort Brooke out once she puts her finger in Cheyenne’s face.

Cheyenne’s family is having none of this though. They immediately run up on Brooke. While Brooke acts like she’s down for a fistfight, Brandi realizes they are outnumbered and need to go. Evelyn is stunned by the chaos but hopes she can talk to Cheyenne later for answers.

When Evelyn and Cheyenne meet up later to discuss the drama, Cheyenne says she won’t be backing down to Brooke. And she has no regrets about calling her out.

What are your thoughts on the episode?


  1. I don’t like Cheyenne but I have no issue with her and her family giving Brooke and Evelyn the energy they give everyone else. They ran out of there fast because they knew they weren’t going to win that fight. I’ll always be here for the humbling of the BBWLA mean girls.

  2. Brooke is a grown woman! Cheyenne is the one with no class for putting her on blast like that! If she didn’t want to stand that was her prerogative! These females are on power trips!

    1. Who cares? Brooke has been on a power trip every season she’s on! She was about to get her a-s whooped with her homophobic self. I can’t stand Brooke! She thinks everybody should be afraid of her. Tami would embarrass her! OG too! They really know how to fight unlike Brooke.

      1. Thank you! I can’t stand the fact that there’s always a segment of this fan base who whines and complains when the mean girl crew finally meets their match!

      2. I totally agree with you regarding Brooke, it’s time for her to go and sit down and evaluate her life. I’m so tired of these women Evelyn, Jennifer& Brooke very very very very messy.
        First Lady Shaunie Henderson, she needs to let this show go——————she’s allowing all this B – – – – – – – – go on with these 2 messy girls (Evelyn, Brooke & Jennifer). Regarding Jennifer, for her to say on television I’m Allergic To Broke (WOW). It’s time to let this show go. By the way regarding the other viewer in regards to the old school (Draya, Tami, Royce, these ladies to classy.

  3. These clips were the most interesting stuff we’ve seeing since the show’s been back. They truly don’t have a show without Jackie. Should have never let Tami, OG, CeCe, Malaysia and Draya walk away.

  4. Regardless of if Brook is messy Cheyenne played herself she said what she needed to say once and then repeated it again with her shady a-s and then went to the table and gave real rude energy I don’t like her. Brook stood on business as she should in that situation. Cheyenne could have handled that completely differently considering it was her event … talking about tasteless and classless she should know ugh

  5. Brooke is tasteless and classless. Honestly she’s been acting like a middle aged hoodrat for a minute now. Why on earth does she think she can beat everyone up? There is always someone out there who won’t be afraid to step. Cheyenne’s family wasn’t about to let Brooke disrespect their family like she’s okay with disrespecting others. Brooke is the same lame a-s follower who likes to throw drinks like a punk. Remember she threw glass at the sisters last season and that glass hit Brandi in the face. Brooke deserved what she got. Everybody ain’t playing with her and Evelyn. I’m sorry about her daughter but she can’t keep getting a pass for aggressive behavior. She is always ready to fight. Time to sit her down for a couple of seasons.

  6. Brooke is too old to not how to defend herself without getting in someone’s face. She can never do any better than BBWLA because she hasn’t learned how to get someone together with wit. It’s always about squaring up with her and that mentality is exhausting to watch season after season. She wants to be on Baddies so bad. So no I’m not mad about what Cheyenne and her family did. Brooke had that ready to swing energy first. Nobody’s family has to sit down and watch you threaten their loved one. Brooke is used to bullying so she forgot she can be bullied right back. They were going to tear her up too.

    1. I agree, you would think that Brooke would reevaluate her life after the tragedy she has experienced. No she is just as evil of shitstarter as she was in the past.

      She really needs therapy… I wish they would remove her from the show. I don’t care how much plastic surgery she gets. Grow the “F” up.

  7. What business did Brooke stand on? Her and Evelyn have been mean girls on the show forever. This time they met their match. Brooke tried to pop off as usual with the bad girl energy but Evelyn didnt insert herself to “defend” her friend this time. They both knew what time it was and high tailed it out of there with the quickness. – and – Boojie Jennifer had the nerves to say she wasnt dressed to fight, girl bye. All three of thme (Brooke, Evelyn and Jennifer) are classless and tasteless and I dont blame Cheyenne for not backing down. They have the nerve to try to call Jackie out for alledgedly prostituting but they are giving themselves aways to any and everybody. That’s not cute, it’s nasty.

  8. Evelyn may wanna be quiet, before bones start falling out her mouth. Also, that’s all they do is talk about other people’s clothes. Some old bullies

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