BBWLA Highlights: Brooke Exposes Jackie + Jennifer is Willing to Help Fiancé Pay Restitution

Photo Credit: VH1/YouTube

On the latest episode of “Basketball Wives,” Jennifer decides to throw a parley. The plan was to get Jackie and the others to hash out their issues before Jennifer’s movie screening. However, Jackie and Evelyn’s past feud resurfaces. And Brooke brings new accusations to the table that might cement Jackie’s status as the outcast. Here are the highlights of, “This Is Beneath Me!”

Jennifer encourages Jackie to clear the air with Brooke and Evelyn.

Jackie meets with Jennifer to catch up. She confirms she hasn’t been around the group much because she’s not feeling the energy. And Jackie certainly takes issue with Evelyn accusing her of getting arrested for prostitution in 1987.

When Jackie asks Jennifer if she believes there is truth to what was alleged, Jennifer tells Jackie she was confused. However, she goes on to say she believes what Evelyn said in her green screen interview.

Regardless, Jennifer is concerned that her upcoming event for her new movie Jackie is featured in will be a mess if all the ladies can’t hash things out prior. So Jackie agrees to a parley to put everything on the table.

Jennifer is willing to help Christian pay his restitution.

Evelyn, Jennifer, and Brandi hang out. Jennifer tells the ladies that Christian owes nearly $250,000 in restitution. This is almost the cost of their wedding. Brandi questions if Jennifer plans to help him pay off the debt. Jennifer says she told Christian she can contribute what she can to help. In a green screen interview, Evelyn confirms she’s uncertain about all this. But to keep the friendship in a good place, she’s decided not to hire an investigator to look into Christian.

Topics switch to Brandi’s hectic life. She admits her 12-year-old son still sleeps in bed with her and Jason. Although Jason is over it, Brandi isn’t ready to put her foot down. She breaks down in tears because she worries the critical comments on the internet regarding Jason’s cheating past will begin to bother their son.

Brandi says she is never leaving Jason because he was there when she was battling cancer. But it’s hard for her to keep reading the criticism on social media. And she hates that her marriage woes are used as an insult when she’s at odds with someone on the show. Evelyn nods but doesn’t mention she recently made the same criticisms when she was upset about Brandi inviting Jackie to her book event.

The parley is a failure.

Jackie shows up at Jennifer’s parley with Cheyenne. Everyone is there with the exception of Brooke. Evelyn questions how things took a turn with Jackie because she thought they got past the “build a ***** situation.” Jackie reminds Evelyn that the feud only escalated because Evelyn meddled in the situation Jackie had with her eldest daughter. When Evelyn accuses Jackie of deflecting, Jackie says being there and talking to Evelyn is beneath her. And she’s leaving before she goes off. Cheyenne leaves with Jackie.

After everyone checks on Evelyn and her feelings about what just transpired, Brooke walks in as dramatic background music plays. She says she was recently mute on a three-way call with one of Jackie’s “business partners.” It turns out to be Sundy Carter, a previous BBWLA cast member.

Brooke alleges that she was listening in and heard Jackie drag everyone. She tells Jac’Eil that Jackie said she has an irritating voice. Brooke tells Jennifer that Jackie said no one cares about Jennifer’s engagement to Christian and forwarded her nude pictures. It is also alleged Jackie said she hates Evelyn and Shaunie. And Brandi is boring because her storyline is constantly about Jason’s cheating past. So Brandi would only become interesting if she got a divorce or had another child.

The episode ends with Brooke alleging Jackie liked a comment of someone saying that Brooke became evil after her daughter died.

What are your thoughts on the episode?


  1. The appeal of this show is just gone. The tag teams, the woes is me, the name calling, etc. where is anything there positive. Says a whole lot.

  2. Brooke and Evelyn need to go. ASAP. They are killing this show. And no one gives a f-ck about Sundy. Her evil a-s leaked her own daughter’s sex pics. She’s sick and I’m tired of mofos worse than Jackie trying to shame her for anything.

    1. This is the point Jackie’s haters, Evelyn, Brooke, and Shaunie do not understand. We know Jackie is messy. The problem is this show has been on way too long for them to sit there and pretend like they aren’t messy and two faced too. Did they forget the past seasons or past episodes from this season? They are not victims.

  3. Those women are not haters of Jackie. They are just as messy as she is. They just do it better than her. Besides Jackie doesn’t like it when the evil light shines on her. She doesn’t like to be exposed. She just likes to exposed others. You see she never let anyone else talk. She says what she wants and walks out. They all are two-faced so where is the hate.

    1. Hey Evelyn! Evelyn, you hate the fact that you couldn’t get a NBA player to actually marry you or your daughter while Jackie’s NBA husband remarries her every year and the best Shanice could do is a washed up rapper who was sued for sexual assault! Meanwhile, Jackie’s daughter is happily married to a NBA player just like her mom! This is why that build a wh*re comment still hurts you, right? Evelyn, you deflect more than anyone else in the history of Basketball Wives! We’re tired of your hypocrisy and want you to leave the show like you usually do when someone is dumb enough to date you. Oh and by the way, your version of messy usually gets a show cancelled or boycotted because you’re a violent racist who doesn’t deserve a platform. Jackie is at least funny unlike you. Hope this helps!

    2. Jackie doesn’t like to be exposed? Delores did you forget how Evelyn, Jennifer, and Brooke were so outraged and offended when Vanessa looked up Christian’s fraudulent a-s like 5 episodes ago? Why does Evelyn’s boring a-s get to do what she wants and everyone else has to follow her rules? How do you think Evelyn would react if someone hired a PI to look into her hoe past? Not like we need to but I’m pretty sure she’d pop a blood vessel in that forehead of hers. No one hates being called out more than Evelyn. They are certainly jealous of Jackie. Evelyn and Brooke have at least 5,000 failed relationships between them.

  4. I’m over everyone trying to dog Jackie out. Whatever she’s done in her past, I’m sure if we would look into the rest of the casts past their skeletons would all fall out. Yes, Jackie has done a lot, but so has everyone else. Shaunie never had Tami’s back, but would do anything for Evelyn especially when Tami had enough and left to become better on her own. For the last couple of seasons I’ve really become disappointed and disinterested in this show because it’s no support among the women of this show. I usually binge watch now when nothing else is on TV. If this show goes on, just get a new cast that’s going to be supportive of each other, no drama.

  5. Just throw the whole show away. I really hate how their treating Jackie. I just don’t understand why they brought Evelyn back. The only storyline she has is being messy, first the newbies from last season now Jackie. The rating on this show should be enough for them to finally cancel this shit show.

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