On the latest episode of “Basketball Wives,” Brooke’s patience for Brandi runs out when they speak candidly of each other’s relationships. Plus, Jackie returns to get back on track with Shaunie. Here are the highlights of, “Once a Cheater, Always a Cheater.”
Brandi believes Brooke is moving way too fast.
Evelyn, Jennifer, Brandi, and Jac’Eil discuss Brooke’s new boo Kevin in her absence. While the others insist on being open-minded, Brandi says Brooke is moving fast. She doesn’t think it’s a good idea for Brooke to consider getting married the same year her divorce was finalized. Evelyn isn’t feeling this. During a green screen interview, she says Brandi must learn to “read the room.” In her opinion, the group should support Brooke because she’s going through a lot. However, Brandi values being honest with her friends. In her confessional, Brandi says she will always tell the truth. Others likely agree but won’t admit it because they are afraid of Brooke.
Brooke is having second thoughts about Mike.
Things continue to move forward with Mike as Brooke takes her real estate agent and mother with her to look at a house. Brooke and Mike were planning to move in together. Mike was supposed to meet Brooke to see this particular house, but he told her he wouldn’t be able to make it at the last minute.
Brooke acknowledges Mike is consistent when it comes to romance. But he’s not consistent when it is time to show up. Producers show footage of Brooke being left alone after Mike canceled previous dates in the past. She’s not willing to beg for his attention.
She tells her mother it may be time to move on from Mike.
Brandi and Brooke clash.
When Brooke and Brandi meet, Brooke confirms she broke up with Mike. Brandi feels like her assessment of the situation was correct, Brooke was moving too fast. Brooke reminds Brandi that she wanted Brooke to stay with her cheating husband. And Brandi stayed with hers because her marriage was her “safe space.” Brooke doesn’t believe in making a comfort zone out of an unfaithful man. In her opinion, cheaters don’t change.
Brooke accuses Brandi of projecting because she’s not happy in her own marriage.
Shaunie and Jackie hash it out.
Jackie and Shaunie sit down to speak after the meeting with the rest of the group was a complete disaster. Jackie apologizes for the critical comments she made behind Shaunie’s back. Shaunie accepts Jackie’s apology because she understands Jackie felt like she was being disrespected behind the scenes. But it was all a misunderstanding and Shaunie hopes Jackie will directly come to her if there’s a problem again in the future. The two women feel good about their friendship moving forward.
Brooke is over Brandi.
It’s Jac’Eil and Natasha’s wedding day. Brooke officiates and it’s a beautiful ceremony. Unfortunately, the good vibes don’t last long for the group. Evelyn jokes about Brooke and Jennifer being the next to walk down the aisle. Brandi says Brooke will not be getting married and this upsets Brooke. When Brooke steps away from the table, Jennifer questions if Brandi and Brooke are okay. Brandi confirms Brooke broke up with Mike and Jennifer says Brooke moved faster than she did with Christian. Evelyn excuses herself and relays this to Brooke. Brooke doesn’t want to cause a scene at Jac’Eil’s wedding. So she congratulates the newlyweds and heads out without speaking to Brandi. In a green screen interview Brandi faults Evelyn for meddling.
What are your thoughts on the episode?
Get RID of Jackie and Brandi
I definitely agree with u
I agree 💯 with u.
They aren’t going to fire actual basketball wives while continuing to employ an actual racist. Keep hoping though. I’m sure it’s therapeutic for you to write this on every basketball wives post.
Last week I told someone their comment about Shaunie having the power to hire and fire would not age well. Welp, it did not age well. They have no show without Jackie. Shaunie knows that too.
@anon anon, I don’t know about that. There is no show without freaky-deaky Jackie? Really? Jackie ain’t all that! Shaunie is a pretender. She comes in and out of town for 1 1/2 episodes making like she brings the calm. She ain’t bringing jack! Well, at least everyone looked beautiful at the wedding.
You can rant all day until your fingers are tired my love. Jackie is the show. She’s never getting fired.
Shaunie is the MAKER of this show. She only trying to have a civil relationship with Jackie but at the end of the day she’ll get tired and take drastic action 🎬 towards Jackie. Anyway, congratulations 🎊 👏 💐 🥳 to Jac’eil and Natacha Howard on their nuptials.
Royce and a man named Tom created Basketball Wives. Shaunie has no power to hire and fire.
@Shannon…And with that “Thank you for your services” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
It’s Time for Brooke to Go along with Jackie.
Evelyn needs to sit her tired azzz down. Why you still gossiping and spreading stories at 40 plus years old…
Extremely childish and pathetic behavior…
Has anyone noticed that Brooke falls out with everyone? Brooke has some serious internal issues she needs to deal with and one of them being anger issues which I believe stems from the death of her daughter. In all seriousness, she needs to take time away from the show and focus on herself so she can get her mind right. At this point, I’m not going to sound off on Brooke, but would like to see her get some serious help and to realize it will take time as her grieving process is not over and it may not be done until 5 to 10 years down the road.
I guess the network/production company stepped in after Shaunie was done playing boss. Jackie is an asset to the show whether people want to admit it or not.
Evelyn gets on my nerves, she’s always bringing a bone to someone to start sh*t, she could have minded her business what was being said at the table. Brooke already knew Brandi’s opinion on her relationship, and Brooke was already salty about that, so Evelyn telling her was more salt in her wounded heart and attitude with Brandi. I’m glad Jackie is back, the only BBW on the show is her, Brandi and Jac’eil and maybe Jennifer is an ex. Get rid of Evelyn, she’s tired and I’m tired of her. I can’t wait for the girls trip, it’s going to be a whole lot of drama going on there.
I told y’all Jackie wasn’t really going anywhere. But it’s still satisfying reading the salty comments from Jackie’s haters.
Brandi is correct. The only ones who don’t fear Brooke are Brandi and Jackie.
I don’t understand why every little thing someone says someone else has to go back and repeat it. Evelyn couldn’t wait to run to Brooke and repeat what Brandi said. All these women in these reality shows do is gossip and tell sh!#! They make me sick. Sometimes you need to keep stuff to yourself. They talk about Jackie but they all do the same thing.
Someone needs to seriously warm Brooke’s buns once and for all. She is always rolling the neck and popping off like she will beat down everybody as if someone will just stand there and let her. Somebody somewhere has told her that this is her world and everybody else needs to ask her permission to live in it. She and Evelyn both have talked about Brandi’s marriage. I will never understand how the means girls on these shows will do the exact same thing that happens to them but they expect the other person to take it but when it’s done to them, they are so hurt and angry. Brooke, Evelyn, and Jennifer all need to learn basic life fundamentals: (1), You reap what you sow (2) KARMA is a b-tch!). When you look in the mirror and one of the two is looking back, no matter how you turn the mirror, it will never say VICTIM. Stop sowing mess and you won’t reap it.