Trina Braxton & Von Scales Have Tense Conversation over Latest ‘The Braxtons’ Episode

Photo Credit: WE tv/YouTube

Trina Braxton and her husband Von Scales’ latest Instagram Live session was a little tense.

Trina Braxton, Toni Braxton, Tamar Braxton, and Towanda Braxton are back for WE Tv’s new show, “The Braxtons.” The first season has already been heavy as the sisters and Evelyn Braxton have been openly discussing their grief. Traci Braxton passed away from cancer. Her death has been hard for the family to process. Trina especially took it hard since she watched Traci take her last breath. During the recent episode, Trina spoke to a grief counselor alone. She said she has nightmares about Traci. Traci and her ex-husband Gabe Solis sometimes visit her in her sleep. Gabe’s death was difficult for Trina as well.

During the counseling session, Trina said another tough moment was how her grieving process affected her current husband Von Scales. Trina stated she was “punished” by Von when she grieved Gabe. But an about-turn happened once Von realized her love for him. Well, the couple had a tense conversation about the scene on Instagram Live. Von wasn’t happy about it.

Von said, “If you want my honest opinion, I don’t see a lot of difference between the way you grieve for Traci and Gabe. It looks the same to me. There was a little more heat behind Traci, of course. Of, course because it’s your sister.”

He continued, “I knew I didn’t like it because to me the grief seemed too strong for someone you had all those problems with. That’s my opinion because that’s how I looked at the world. Now we had a number of conversations about it, a number of arguments about it. But it wasn’t until Traci passed that I had time to reflect, probably sitting on a mountain somewhere by myself. And I was like you know what, those two grieving didn’t look all that different to me.”

Von said it angered him, “It made me angry. So to me, the grief looked… it looked like you still had real strong feelings for the dude. Which made me think what am I doing here? Now this is 2018…we were a year in.”

His feelings haven’t changed, “I was just saying from my perspective it just looked to be a bit much. And I felt that way then and I feel that way now. But you have to do things the way you see.”

After Trina said she thought Von had moved on from this since he knows Gabe raised her children, Von insisted he wasn’t jealous and reminded Trina he tried to help Gabe by introducing him to doctors.

He told Trina she didn’t tell the entire story. Trina said she tried but was interrupted.

Von responded, “But you aren’t…you didn’t do it quickly enough cause your first thing should have been the moment Von found out he went into help mode because I’ll help anybody. There was no jealousy or anything, I never…”

Trina said she never said that Von was jealous.

Von then said, “No, you did. That did come up in an argument one time. It was no jealousy. There was no feelings towards the dude. That came in me witnessing and watching the grieving process, that’s when it became a problem so…You just gonna sit there?”

He added, “TV show host and you’re just letting dead space…you’re not saying anything.”

As the conversation went on, Von said Trina’s friendship with Gabe didn’t make sense.

“But here’s the thing, it was a unique situation ’cause it wasn’t a one-off. It wasn’t a one-off. I’ve never met anybody who was best friends with their ex. That was a new circumstance. I didn’t even know that paradigm existed in the world. I had to deal with my ex because we had three children together and I had to talk to her almost every day. And as the kids got older that weaned off. It wasn’t just that you were mourning him. It was the fact that you had an ongoing relationship with him that I never processed because I’ve never seen it.”

He continued, “Just because I don’t understand it doesn’t mean it doesn’t have a right to exist. I’m smart enough to know that different people do things differently. I’m just saying in my lifetime, I’d never seen two people who were married, had a terrible divorce, and then became best friends. That was some new **** to me. That’s all I said. And to this date, I still haven’t seen it again.”

Trina replied, “Well, we made better friends.”

Von pointed out Gabe was a great father and he wasn’t the issue.

“He taught them to be men when there was nobody else to. He was a good, solid human. Our problem wasn’t with that dude. It wasn’t with him at all.”

Check out the full live below.


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  1. From where I am sitting, Trina needed a shoulder while she was mourning her sister and ex husband. I understand Von getting in his feeling about her mourning Gabe like that BUT they were not in bad terms and Trina didn’t want him anymore. This is a different kind of love for sure but she likes it, I love it for her.

  2. If there’s no issue with mourning the loss of an ex why discuss it at all? Please tell what the REAL issue is so we can ALL move on

  3. Dang Von…I was seeing Von has a solid guy until this video. He seems jealous af to me. He’s a man’s man and trying to deny it but it is what it is lol: jealousy. Now I get Von’s point about Gabe and Trina having a bad divorce and now Gabe’s her best friend (when she vilified Gabe the entire time he was on Braxton Family Values)…that “we’re friends” stuff didn’t make sense to me either. I am friends with exes because the relationships didn’t end badly but Gabe and Trina’s relationship didn’t even end well, her boys stopped talking to him even so… this said, Von and Trina are in a struggle for dominance. He wants to control her emotions and she’s fighting against his control…marriages like that don’t tend to end well.

  4. Black woman with daddy issues marries a man who treats her like a child. A tale as old as time. Wake up ladies.

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