It’s been a rough first season for LAMH newbie Sunni Minx.
Sunni Minx has been receiving a lot of backlash from “Love & Marriage: Huntsville” fans due to how she ended up with Moses Monroe. As we reported, Destiny Payton aired out Sunni before she even stepped foot on the show. Destiny feels like Sunni backstabbed her by dating Moses. Moses and Destiny have had an on-and-off romance for 15 years. Destiny told Sunni about Moses when Sunni was working as a field producer for LAMH. Sunni was assigned to Destiny, so they had conversations about Destiny’s life to determine what she would show on LAMH. At some point, Destiny introduced Sunni and Moses. After Moses and Destiny cooled off again, sometime later Sunni and Moses became a couple. Now they are married.
Recently, Sunni got into it with a YouTuber who covers LAMH. According to Sunni, the whole thing popped off because the YouTuber, Marcella Speaks, made beastality accusations about Sunni. Eventually, Sunni appeared on one of Marcella’s recent live sessions. It was a mess.
Moses is currently behind bars for a probation violation. Sunni wasn’t having it after Marcella said she was concerned for her.
Sunni Minx offended a YouTuber by calling her elderly.
Sunni said, “Girl, you are so funny. You were just talking **** the other day when you were at the polls talking bout, ‘I’ma get my family on her,’ woo woo woo. Be an older lady, be respectful. I know you probably old enough to be my mother. So just be respectful and be a woman of character. And a woman that should be trying to be a positive role model for other black women instead of one who sits up here and tears younger black women down. Be a role model. ‘Cause guess what, the tongue and the curses that you put on me and mine, God is watching you, sweetie. You will have bigger prices to pay for that.”
She continued, “Be an elderly woman…”
Marcella responded, “I’m not elderly.”
Sunni didn’t back down, “Yeah, you are. Be an elderly woman, so have some respect for other people, especially younger women. Be somebody we can look up to instead of a person who is trying to drag us down.”
She added, “You were just on here talking about peace and how people need to come together. I think you need to be an example of that instead of being so messy. You’re the only blogger that I can honestly say that says the craziest **** out of your mouth. And guess what, I get it. You can report on a show and do whatever you want. But beastality? It’s just crazy that you even said that.”
The conversation only became messier.
At this point, Sunni told the YouTuber she would have seen a different side of her if these accusations were made in person. Marcella took this as a threat and she also expressed she felt disrespected by being referred to as “elderly.”
Sunni was unmoved, “You are my elder is what I was saying. I don’t care if you’re elderly in your mind or not. You’re older than me, so there should be a certain amount of respect as a black woman you carry amongst yourself.”
Marcella replied, “Can you please respect yourself so I can…”
Sunni then said, “Oh, I respected myself. But I ain’t finna let a ***** keep playing with me. You ain’t finna keep playing with me.”
Marcella was heated at this point in the conversation.
“Now if I called you a ************* ***** you would be mad and start running. You’ll get the **** up off of here, watermelon head!”
Sunni responded, “Bye, *****. Play with your momma. Play with your momma, don’t play with me ‘cause I’d slap the **** out of you if we were in real-time.”
It only worsened here. Marcella said, “And I’ma take a flight and punch you in your ************* face! I’ma show you how elderly I am, *****!”
After Sunni told Marcella to make good on what she said she was going to do, Marcella continued to go off. She said, “I’m trying to respect your raggedy ***!”
Sunni followed up with, “But your teeth is raggedy, baby. That curtain halfway hanging up on your door is raggedy. That window halfway curtain is raggedy. Your hair is raggedy. Your smoker breath and your smoker lips is raggedy. Your skin and those nails are raggedy. Your skin looks like you’ve been drinking tons of alcohol, raggedy.”
Check out the video below.
Sunni is tired and I get it. This show needs to go away.
Sunni read the h-ll out of this lady. My goodness.
I know Sunni is tired because I know I am. She is not obligated to Destiny in who she dates or marry. Destiny was married for Godsake, she wasnt thinking about the 15 year relationship with Moses when she got married. Why does she get to be uninvolved with Moses long enough to get married, divorced, but then expect Moses to ask her permission to be involved with other women period? These reality show women kill me crying about how hurt they are over the least of things, especially when they do the same or worse to somebody. It appears that Destiny really thinks so much higher of herself than she should. She couldnt keep her husband, or Moses, so clearly she isnt all her mind has her thinking she is. That is truth she can’t handle. Moses chose Sunni, Destiny please get over it. Your pride is making you look so delusional. Sunni has shown you that you’re not all that, you can believe her.
Destiny and her weird a-s stans need to leave Sunni alone. Destiny didn’t even care about her marriage this much and I believe Moses was her side dude. He had 15 years to marry Destiny and he didn’t. Why should anyone give a f-ck? The whole show is dumb. I won’t care if it’s cancelled.
It seems like a loser club honestly. If a man doesn’t commit to you after 15 years, be mad at yourself for being stupid and having low self esteem. I can’t relate. So I don’t dislike Sunni. Men know pretty quickly if a woman is someone they want to marry. Destiny’s timeline gives she was cheating on LaBerrick. So her fans should find another hill to die on.
Exactly! Destiny is pathetic for using this couple for a storyline! I’m not dumb enough to watch this show anymore apparently because I see right through the bs! Glad I stopped watching!
It’s the way this is always ignored…why should we be outraged for a woman who allegedly cheated on her husband with a street dude who never wanted to commit? Why is it never mentioned that Moses was allegedly married when he was fooling with Destiny? These aren’t good people. Sunni will be the next one he hurts. I can’t say I care. People have to learn the hard way.
Love & Marriage Huntsville brings out the toxicity in everyone – cast members, fans, producers, even the network. It needs to go away.
It’s trash. The whole network has been dumbed down and Oprah should be embarrassed her name is attached to it. I need to have OWN removed from my cable package. Educated black women are no longer the target audience and I blame Carlos King.
Lol, every time Destiny check her she stumbles over over that timeline!! Destiny tried to keep her distance ALTHOUGH THEY CAME TO HER TOWN AROUND HER FRIENDS 🤦♀️Until she wanted to “talk” I couldn’t understand why she came on with an attitude as if Destiny did something to her smmh HER AND MOSES HAD A LONG FRIENDSHIP AND DECIDED TO FLIP IT AFFFTER HER DIVORCE and he played around so ok yall stabbed her it happens BUT THEN GO TO THE SHOW WOW and all i hear is Destiny feels like Sunni owes her I believe they were cool and she played the situation that azz was getting older with no kids and she made a play for the player! PERIOD now she mad cuz people dragging her they shoulda stayed their azz in St Louis
Destiny literally came back on the show to film with Sunni and Moses. She didn’t try to keep her distance because she needed Sunni and Moses for a storyline. She’s a loser who should be talking about why her husband left her with a newborn. She has bigger fish to fry. She’s no victim. Just another entitled loser. The black community is full of people like Destiny.
Bingo! Destiny’s fans are the type to fight a woman over a man who never really wanted them in the first place. So embarrassing how territorial they are over men who see little value in them besides convenient c—chie. My momma raised me better than that! I couldn’t care less about any of my exes! My husband clears!
I agree. I have no idea how any of my exes are doing because I moved on the moment I met my husband. Destiny’s marriage failed and instead of moving on in a healthy way, she’s running through former hookups. Not smart.
“She’s no victim. Just another entitled loser. The black community is full of people like Destiny.”
I completely agree. Also, Destiny is the female version of Martell. Criminal record and all. I’d never have her in my friend group. LOL.
I chuckled when Sunni told her that her smoker’s breath, teeth and gums are raggedy…then to see the bootleg curtains in the background lol…Sunni is more witty than I thought. I’m impressed. Still not watching LAMH ever again though.
The way some of these older black women hate on young black women should be studied. They have all this smoke for Sunni but never Moses. Clowns. They don’t want to be called elders because then they have to acknowledge they are too old to act like buffoons. Of course Wanda is this lady’s bestie. They act just alike. The blackout continues for me. Let the male identified people support this slop. I’m good.
You summed up everything I think about this situation. Moses will never be dragged like they drag Sunni. Nothing but misogyny and fake outrage as usual. These elders are a joke. My mother would never.
Clock it! She really crashed out over being called elderly. How pathetic.
This show can’t be cancelled fast enough for me. I hate everything about it. All it does is highlight the dysfunction of the black community. Shameful. Sunni should have ignored this troll. They’ll have nothing to talk about when the show is gone.
Destiny has mommy issues. She went back to a job that disrespected her because she is broke and needs the money. Her history with Moses also demonstrates how low her self esteem is. She owes her ex husband thousands so she’ll do anything to stay on the show which happens to pay very little. I have no sympathy for those who will sell their soul for peanuts. Carlos King has the face of a demon and behaves as one. His karma will be legendary.
Ooooh! Y’all are reading Carlos on here! Good because I’ve been feeling like he is very envious of black women. Especially the successful ones. His misogyny is blatant to me. Kandi was right and everyone should have listened.
Marcella is an elderly blogger, has been bullying on YouTube for years. This lady gets on her platform and brags about the amount of money she has, living off of her husband’s disability and settlement money he received due to an incident from his employer. I agree that she needs to start acting like a role model instead of constant bullying and degrading. This is unnecessary., and needs to stop.
“living off of her husband’s disability and settlement money he received due to an incident from his employer”
Yeah, some people have no business talking trash about anyone. Some of these YouTubers do too much and they’d be more successful in life if they weren’t so hateful.
Watermelon and light bulb head was the best this elderly woman could come up with? My teenage niece has more wit. She’s very immature to be in her 60s.
Sunni needs to cuss out all of these older and bitter women/fans. Moses made his choice. Get over it. Destiny and Moses never had a serious relationship. None of this matters anyway when Destiny has moved on to Chris and Nell’s son. Mind you she was previously with Kimmi’s son. YISI said she is a female Martell? Tuh in more ways than one for sure!
Wait so she’s moved on from Jaylin to Lance and these deranged Destiny fans are still harassing Sunni about Moses? Yeah, throw the entire show away please.
This is the real Sunni they won’t ever show on LAMH because they don’t want Destiny’s dull behind to be overshadowed. I’m still waiting for her to explain why LaBerrick left her. That’s the real story she doesn’t want to talk about. Hiring Maurice as her attorney was certainly a choice when he got the whole network sued. I hope LaBerrick is victorious in court. I see Destiny for what she is.
Marcella is a huge Destiny and Miss Wanda fanatic. She also caused a lot of problems on AATT when she was on the panel. Going by her history, I believe everything Sunni said she did. These Destiny supporters are going to keep harassing Sunni until she tells the one thing Destiny doesn’t want her to. Keep it up. I believe she knows exactly why La’Berrick divorced Destiny.
This is such a dumb situation. People are more concerned about a 15 year on and off fling than a marriage Destiny refuses to speak on. It’s so unserious. I’m glad Sunni read her for filth.
Every season they pick a black woman to humiliate, gang up on and bully while coddling and making excuses for the trash a-s men on this platform. Drag all of them Sunni. They deserve it.