Cliff, Glen, and Willie discuss the reasons their friendship deteriorated.
The first clip from part of the “Belle Collective” reunion features the husbands on stage with the wives backstage watching. Carlos has the men address what went wrong at Taste.
Willie asks what caused the change between their trip to New Orleans and the event at Taste. Cliff says Willie has been jabbing him for two years. Willie says that Cliff mumbles and is incoherent when he drinks and disrespects Latrice.
He tells Cliff not to let his alcohol speak for him.
JJ explains that only a certain number of jabs a man can take, and Carlos agrees that the insults and digs went too far. This leads Glen and Willie to address their differences. Glen says he didn’t get mad until Willie said a specific insult. Backstage, Lateshia screams to the TV that Glen and Willie have never talked off the show, disagreeing with Glen, who agrees with Willie.
JJ says he wants to see Selena and their daughters happy.
In the next scene, the wives join the husbands, and Carlos tells JJ he believes he’s responsible for the tension between Selena and Sogucci. JJ disagrees with Carlos that he’s trying to hide something and explains he was concerned about Selena and Sogucci having another altercation when they spoke one-on-one in New Orleans.
JJ also tells Carlos that he controls the situation how he wants to, and no one can tell him otherwise. He then explains that his relationship with his daughters is strong. Selena says they only have that relationship because their daughters contacted JJ. JJ explains that his children are grown, and whatever is going on between him and Selena has nothing to do with them. Lastly, Carlos asks Mike how he feels about this situation, and Mike says it’s on JJ and there doesn’t need to be any disrespect.
Next, Glen explains where he stands since leaving his job. He explains he has a box truck and is working on his own business. Lateshia explains that they have a logistics company, and anything she puts her mind to succeeds. Despite the significant life change having challenges at first, it’s bringing them closer together, although they initially had challenges.
Lateshia tells them the tumor in her breast was benign.
Latrice reveals a nephew involved in the Taste incident passed away and claims Aikisha has his phone.
In the next lip, Aikisha and the ladies speak about what happened at Taste.
Aikisha and Lateshia disagree with their perspectives on what happened. During this, Aikisha explains she felt disrespected when Glen told Cliff Willie he was competing with him because he had a hot wife, referring to Latrice, and he had Aikisha.
Glen denies he was disrespectful, and Calos explains why Aikisha took what he said as disrespectful.
In the final clip, Carlos has Latrice talk about her nephew losing his phone during the altercation.
Producers first air a new clip from Latrice and Lateshia’s sitdown where they speak about Aikisha. Latrice reveals someone has her nephew’s phone and believes that person is Aikisha. Aikisha, in her green screen interview, revealed a text message Latrice sent her about the phone. She cussed out Aikisha and insulted her looks in the text message thread.
Latrice explains production mistakingly gives the phone to someone in Aikisha’s camp. The nephew passed away sometime later, and Latrice cries when she says she believes Aikisha has the phone.
Aikisha explains that neither she nor Willie had the phone. Her niece had it and threw it out of a car window. Latrice, however, says the phone was tracked to her house. Aikisha says the phone was thrown in a neighbor’s yard.
They then lead into Latrice explaining why Lateshia feels Aikisha should be out of the collective.
Carlos asks the women about Lateshia’s opinion, and Marie and Tambra disagree with Lateshia’s sentiment. Lastly, Aikisha doesn’t care
What are your thoughts about the episode and season?
Willie looks great! That’s all I’ve got.
This reunion was a waste of time.
It’s funny how Lateshia has all the smoke for Aikishia. I believe it all still stems from Farris Street. These women (Latrice, Salena and Lateshia) always screaming that someone is jealous of them. For what though, what do they have that’s so great?! Who would want Latrice’s life and have to deal with Cliff, no thank you. Salena is cool but what’s to envy, it’s certainly not her taste in fashion as she hinted at. I don’t think I need to address Lateshia there’s absolutely nothing and I mean nothing she has to be jealous of. Anyone can be an educated go getter, it’s one’s own drive that determines that. The women are all great within their own right. However go ahead be great and stop thinking you’re better than others. Unfortunately I have to put my girl Sophia in this one. Please stop hollering someone is beneath you or less than you. For Latrice and Marie I’m glad they were able to bring the feud to an end, it was time. Everyone usually makes Marie out to be some jealous hateful woman. Puhlease that woman has it going on. She got healthier, bossed up her business even more and became a doctor. She is definitely not less than the woman who said she was. I don’t want to go all the way in on anyone. Sadly we lost Sophia and Aikishia therefore I’m not looking forward to next season probably won’t even watch. But GOD, Sophia and Salena along with the other S’s are in a better place and if anything that has to be the highlight of what came of this mess of a season. Carlos is just a messy queen making money off. Other peoples pain and unfortunate circumstances. I guess that’s what the people want though. Can’t put it all on him because if it was all positive people wouldn’t watch. I do believe I’m done after this season. Love and Marriage Huntsville was already in my drop list. Now it seems dropping Belle Collective has to follow.Although I will say since Marie is so inspiring it may be enough to retain my attention. It’s going to be hard without my other girls though. Love the blog keep doing what you’re doing because it’s working Urban Belle.
Finally Marie is not the center of causing drama. The shooting at her house opened her eyes to bad energy comes back at you.
Aikeisha disappointed me with the phone issue. At first she denied it, only to admit that, she nor Willie personally had the phone her neice did. So, she discussed the phone and knew about it being with her neice, why not just give it back instead of throwing it out a window? Why not give it back to production when your people realized it didn’t belong to them? Aikeisha should have done better, which explains why Latrice was so funky in messages asking for the phone. Aikeisha is supposed to be better than that.
Question why are they all so concerned about Cliff being a pig 🐖, when JJ has shown himself to be the biggest pig? He controls SoGucci to the point where she has ignored her children, he doesn’t deal with his children unless its his way only. Cliff is a jerk but he is upfront with his beliefs and doesn’t hide buffoonery. That makes JJ worse than Cliff, with Cliff what you see is what you get. Getting off the soap box.
I totally agree!!!! 👍🏿💯
Maybe Aikisha was done with the show and all of them after the altercation and so she didn’t care when her niece threw it out. Latrice’s approach was not helpful either. I understand she is mourning her nephew but it’s easier to care when people come correct.
It’s sad how the tables are turning on these women this season. The fakeness is really being revealed.
For these women to call others envious is deflecting from their own insecurities.