LaTisha & Marsau Scott Call Out LAMH Producers + Claim Martell Holt’s Desperate for a Check

Marsau Scott Calls Out Martell Holt and LAMH
Photo Credit: OWN

LaTisha Scott and Marsau Scott call out Martell Holt and LAMH producers.

Filming for “Love and Marriage: Huntsville” will begin this winter, and this may be the most explosive production yet. Cast members are fed up with Martell Holt‘s antics. Specifically, Marsau Scott and his wife LaTisha Scott hopped on Instagram Live to call his behavior out. They also called out production for allowing Martell to control their narrative on the show.

During their 30-minute IG Live, Marsau mentions how LAMH producers may allow Martell to control the narrative regarding what will be spoken about on the show.

They’re going to get Maurice or Chris Fletcher, or maybe even Marques did, because he wants to be part of the group now; Get Marques tp come up and talk to me at some random *** event to talk about some, Hey man. So how do you feel about stuff on social media and forcing me to talk about it?

Marsau Scott called Martell Holt a **** and claimed he’s desperate for a check.

Later in the IG Live, Marsau confirmed Martell wants his paramour on the show. He also called out Martell and Arionne Curry’s behavior, calling Martell a c**n, saying that outside of the conflict, he has nothing to talk about.

What Martell doing is doing right now is c**nin. C**nin, he’s saying the most outrageous stuff, doing the most outrageous things, trying to get attention. He’s…what he’s really trying to do is get Arionne on the show and making it seem like she said stuff like, I don’t watch the show, but has been talking about me for the last couple years.

The truth is, no one’s even talked about her, Martell cheating or none of that… No one’s been talking about that for years.

The truth is, and I hate to say this, but this is the truth. I don’t think outside of conflict, that no one talks about him at all, right?”

Marsau, lastly, mentions that Martell did all of this because he was trying to secure a check.

Check out the clip below.


    1. It’s time for Martell, Marsau, Tisha, Maurice, Kimmie, Ken and Tricia to go. Marsau/tisha were fine with Martell when he was bashing Mel they were saying he’s a nice guy. Now that it’s their turn they don’t like it. Plus Martell/mel have the a job a place to live and a car. Whe they had nothing

    1. Exactly. I was mad for Marsau and Latisha until I remembered they were Team Martell until a couple of episodes ago. Marsau even helped Martell cheat. So yeah…ima sit this one out and eat my popcorn.

  1. The Scotts are not victims. They had no problem sitting on this platform and showing none of their real lives but had so much to say about everyone else’s business. Now Carlos is making them work and it’s tears and excuses. Nah f-ck that. Deal with the monster you helped create.

  2. OOOOH! Carlos is not liking this, I’m sure. You can’t talk negative about his production team and still on his payroll. Be on the lookout for Scott demotions.

  3. The reality show reality has gotten to the Scott’s. Well first of all, you’re working for a self serving, Andy Cohen wannabe who likes drama and confusion what did you really expect. No Carlos is not interested in showcasing the serious work you’re doing, rebuilding the community, or your successes as they relate to black entrepreneurs accomplishments in business. He’s a rachet, catty, back stabbing little girl. He’s using his platform to present you all in the most negative ways possible. If you’re feeling used and exploited, you are, but remember all money ain’t good money. I for one am over it, I think Carlos holds a lot of responsibility for Keke’s downfall and wish he would have been more sensitive to her struggles. Obviously he thinks it’s entertaining pitting black educated people against each other instead of uplifting them. He’s the real a**hole, you have a choice, will you stay or is this enough. I for one have had enough, I won’t be watching

    1. I can’t stand Marsue or Martell. Both men are cheaters and Tisha with all her degrees is simple. Get rid of all of them. Marsuo dosent bring anything to the show. NOTHING INTERESTING ABOUT HIM OR HIS IN DENIAL WIFE.

  4. Oh Carlos is definitely about to target Latisha and Marsau now. He can’t stand it when people tell the truth about his raggedy a-s production company. I sometimes think he’s sleeping with Martell because Martell would have been fired from any other show by now.

    1. I been saying to myself why is Carlos allowing even when Ms Wanda’s slow no talking ratchet a ## was on there to talk upside people’s head when nobody else’s mom was on there she was acting like she was really suppose to b going wherever Tisha and Marsau went acting like Marsaus second wife

  5. It’s time to call it a wrap. There are no friendships no respect no morals and no values left. Take the money you’ve all made and move on. We know way too much about your lives and not enough about the positive things you’ve done in the Huntsville community. Martell is toxic and a narcissist who is hell bent on destroying everything and everyone around him. Carlos king is a cat and I mean this in a pejorative sense of the word. Bringing back desperate destiny and crazy ass hell latrice husband to be martell.2 is an indicator that things will only get worse. If you choose to stay for the money you will get what you deserve. You are all educated business people who were making it before lmh…you’ll be fine and have some dignity left. You can’t fight with snakes you can only kill them. Get out now

  6. Marsau and slow as Tisha need to get a show on their OWN island, no pun intended. Marsau knows he’s been pissing in Tisha face for years and telling her it’s raining. He’s a cheater, one who gets a vasectomy without discussing it with his wife first, goes to Africa “supposedly “ alone, has a sidepiece apartment and all the other shit he does. He doesn’t respect Tisha and Tisha doesn’t respect herself. He has that “other side of the tracks” shit in her head. They are both pathetic, and NOOOO Martell is no Angel. The show is truly a shit show…No positivity…everybody selling their souls to the devil.

    1. If you take Martell off what’s will the show be about that all you talk about from the beginning of each shòw. It always did you hear what Martell did so what will the show be about

  7. Cancel the show it’s not what it’s suppose to do or get new people sure there’s plenty more educated black folks in Huntsville every thing is all drama now and has fallen off when they all fell off every thing just crashed no one wants to see a grown men whine all the time Martel enough already.

  8. Martell and Mel are not going anywhere. The6 are producers! Latisha, Marsau, Kimmie, and her husband should go. They are jealous, envious, and they are just not good people. Look at how Latisha and marsau did Tisha cousin. They brag so much, but you never see anything. They’re pitiful.

  9. Marsau can’t talk Martell bought him on this show tischa needs to sit down some where they all need to shut up cause the scotts is a liar they mad cause Martell told the truth about him cheating Martell knows the truth so now they what him off the show

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