Phaedra’s Med Gala contributions are in focus still.
Quad, Simone, Jackie, and Heavenly discuss the Med Gala aftermath. The goal for the auction was to raise $100,000 to help an organization reduce the black maternal mortality rate. Since some of the people who participated did not donate the money promised, they came up short about $50,000. This includes the man who paid $4000 for a date with Phaedra.
Jackie says she should have made Heavenly the co-chair instead of Phaedra. But since Phaedra is so booked and on multiple television shows, Jackie thought she was more connected. Simone does an impersonation of Phaedra while bragging about winning an award. The others laugh at Simone.
Mimi and her husband Steve make their debut on the show. Steve is a retired athlete, Mimi is a psychiatrist.
Heavenly crashes Sweet Tea’s event with Simone’s help.
Sweet Tea and Greg host a speed dating event with Contessa and Toya’s help. The tone of the event takes a turn when Simone enters with Heavenly. When Tea questions why Simone did this, she says she wanted Heavenly to make things right before the upcoming couple’s trip. Heavenly is in charge of this trip.
Simone encourages Heavenly and Sweet Tea to hash things out. This isn’t possible once Heavenly becomes irritated by Tea’s commitment to receiving a genuine apology for Heavenly’s social media comments. Heavenly accuses Sweet Tea of having a disrespectful tone. When Sweet Tea tells Heavenly her tone is always disrespectful, Heavenly says Tea doesn’t even know her. In response, Sweet Tea tells Heavenly to leave so nothing is resolved between them.
The episode ends on a lighter note. Toya hosts a “baby shower” to unveil her first Birkin bag.
What are your thoughts on the episode?
The way that Jackie, Heavenly, Quad and Simone mocked Phaedra was scandalous. Jackie knew she didnt have the charisma to pull of that event so she should have not made the attempt. She planned on using Phaedra to do the work and she was prepared to take full credit had it turned out differntly. Phaedra should have just donated if she wanted to do something and not commit to anything else. . Toya paid for a birkin bag but did she donate anything or did any of them? Simone keeps trying to force Heavenly off on Sweet Tea; she was out of order for bringing Heavenly to Tea’s event without asking. Several seasons back, she was on the outs with Heavenly, she got pissed at Jackie for trying to get them to talk. It’s getting increasingly harder to watch the show. Heavenly is out of control and nobody with the exception of Contessa will hold her accountable, Jackie is showing her true colors and there is just no loyalty.
This show is so trash now. Heavenly helped make it unwatchable. No one checks her and they have a problem when anyone tries to. You’re just supposed to take her nonsense with a smile. That doesn’t make sense to me as a viewer. These women are in their 50s and 60s hating on any and every black woman younger than them. Throw the whole show away. It’s run its course.
Simone should worry about those grow men-child who her and her husband won’t let grow up make them get a job and stop paying their way. Cleaning for them my my have something to say about sweet tea and phaedra but can’t our won’t take care of her own house.
Jackie’s goal was 20 thousand. Phadrea suggested 100 thousand, Jackie didn’t have to raise her goal. She was planning to use Phadrea and her connections, but what about her own? She is the OBGyN to Atlanta’s elite, where were they? Why didn’t she pick Heavenly at 1st?
Simone need to worry about her too man-child she can not get to pay a bill or get a job. Clean up after them. Doctor you should be a shame of your self. And quad watch your a-s not to long ago they ask you to leave the group and not you hehehe with them girl by.