On the latest episode of “Real Housewives of Potomac,” Karen and Mia continue to clash over Gordon’s paternity test while Stacey is ready to expose Karen to the group. Here are the highlights for, “The Truth Will Set You Off.”
Karen and Mia continue to clash.
The episode picks up with the continuation of Mia and Karen’s argument. Karen says Mia knew about Gordon’s paternity test results and did not share this with the group. Mia insists she didn’t know about the results until a week ago. Regardless, Karen is at a point where she no longer feels like Mia is a credible source.
During a green screen interview, Stacey refers to Karen’s actions as “an ambush” that she feels is completely unfair to Mia. She feels it was “mean-spirited” to confront Mia about this at Ashley’s Drag King event. Karen doesn’t see it this way at all. It needed to be done because Mia has been exploiting and playing with everyone’s emotions.
Regardless, Karen is certain that Mia knew about the paternity test while they were in Panama. So Karen doesn’t feel like Mia can come for her character at all.
This angers Mia. She brings up Karen’s DUI charge and accuses her of cheating on Ray before walking away. Stacey follows Mia to console and encourage her to clear up all the rumors. Mia doesn’t want to clear up anything. She then says what needs to be cleared up is if Ray fathered Karen’s daughter Rayvin because that is “questionable.” Meanwhile, Karen peeps Stacey at Mia’s side. She tells producers she wonders what Mia has on Stacey. When Stacey eventually tells Karen she should have pulled Mia aside and had a private conversation, Karen is over it.
Ashley’s first drag show is a success. Her family and Josh also come out to support her.
Inc. reacts to Gordon’s paternity test results.
Mia and Inc. spend some time together. Inc. reveals Gordon texted him about the paternity test results. And he said Mia was informed about the results two weeks ago so he hopes Mia gave him the update.
Inc. doesn’t believe that Gordon took a DNA test but Mia confirms the results were sent to her email. Regardless, it still seems like an “aha moment” because Gordon did this behind their backs. And Inc. feels Mia should set more boundaries with Gordon.
Keiarna’s conversation with Greg doesn’t go well.
Keiarna and Greg discuss their relationship while they are on a date. Greg thinks they will have different perspectives because he’s a man and Keiarna is a woman. He says Keiarna should “calm the **** down” and “go with the flow sometimes.”
As for Keiarna, she feels she has to shrink herself down to be with Greg. She doesn’t want their relationship to be a power struggle where they just want their way. They should instead focus on making their relationship work.
During a green screen interview, Keiarna says being on the show is important to her and she thought Greg would understand that. But he doesn’t. So they have a lot of tension.
She becomes emotional as she tells Greg she just wants to feel valued, seen, and protected in their relationship. Greg disagrees when she says he dismisses her feelings often.
Keiarna later recaps the conversation with Gizelle, Karen, and Ashley. They console her and encourage her not to shrink herself because of any man.
Stacey and Mia meet up. Karen becomes the topic since Mia is upset about being put on blast about Gordon’s paternity test results. Stacey claims Karen warned her about Mia before she joined the show. And Karen said Mia “is not Potomac.”
In response, Mia questions if it’s Potomac to be charged with DUI.
Stacey then claims Karen told her she shouldn’t befriend Wendy because she’s self-absorbed and only out for herself. Mia thinks it’s time to share this with Wendy.
What are your thoughts on the episode?
Something about Stacey is off. I’m going to let this play out first though. Mia and Inc are very delusional and unserious people. Yuck.
Stacy’s judgment is trash. From thinking that man is straight, to NOT getting her child support in writing, to now backing Mia. It’s like she’s trying to prove she’s not lost, when she clearly is.
Inc needs his a-s whooped. How the f-ck do you tell a married woman to put up boundaries with her husband because you’re f-cking her? Then he’s trying to claim a child that isn’t his because Mia aborted his. What a cluster f-ck of a “relationship.”
Mia and Inc or some nasty people. She looking crazy talk about Karen. Mia go get your life together and stop lie. Inc stop come around because you lie to him and he looking just as crazy as you by Cheating on Tv for the world to see. Do you no how low this make him look. Yes Gordon send him the text. And send him any other damn thing he needs to leaves your family along.
Aa far as I’m concerned Staci has been a breathe of fresh air to RHOP this season. Mia Mia mia…..enough said. Jacqueline desperate to be seen by somebody and both of them are stupid classless broads whose looks will run out on the aging asses. Keirna, girl Greg does not and will never see you as his intellectual equal. You are a pretty girl on his arm. You are not educated enough for him. He hates this show (understandable bc he has probably heard that men and relationships don’t do well on reality TV and he just doesn’t want the publicity) and if he is forced to choose you or your ambition to stay on the show you’re going to loss.
Karen has problems that she is finally being forced to face and the grand dame image…..i love her has blown up
Gizelle continues to be the lonely mean girl with no life or story line and is upset that her ex has found a women he clearly loves and sees as his equal. No amount of shade can overcome this. She don’t have to be on your level….she got what you still want and you get to be the mother of his children period. Ashley get a real job. You have zero talent your ex is not going to allow you to use his name on the show. You need the money…you are the typical gold digger only you got played at the end….he will pay his child support and possibly some alimony but you missy have to for the first time in your life grow up get off some man’s penis and get serious about your twerking life.
Staci has a career is not desperate for money ….she says I’m good financially and I believe her. I see her on the news channel here on dc. Whether her friend is gay or not….its their choice to sustain from see and that does not make you gay. She’s being careful who she introduces into her daughter life and has no need to drag her ex for a story line. Perhaps her simplicity and authenticity is something viewers have not seen in along time and it’s unsettling. She and Wendy and Kierna would be the only ladies on this show I’d share a dinner table with. Wendy continues to maintain a working marriage and her career and speaks her truth no matter what. We should appreciate the fact that there are some black women on tv that we can have respect for their participation on these platforms. Everybody else seems to have been corrupted to the core maybe its the money or notoriety….