Melody Shari is leaving “Love and Marriage: Huntsville.”
Early this morning, Melody Shari Rodgers issued a press release announcing her departure from “Love and Marriage: Huntsville.” In the statement sent to Urban Belle, Melody stated that she aimed to bring LAMH to life. She thanked her supporters and expressed excitement for the next chapter of her life.
In 2018, I decided to share my life with the world as a cast member on the Oprah Winfrey Network’s, Love & Marriage: Huntsville. Then I had no clue what to expect. I only knew that bringing this show to fruition had been a goal of mine, and it would be another one that I could knock off the list. I’ve always been intensely ambitious and I believed reaching this milestone was another step in the right direction.
And it was…for many reasons.
Because of my time spent on the show, much of my life is now documented and sealed in history. I’ve been presented with opportunities beyond my dreams. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting some amazing people while unfortunately also learning tough lessons about life, relationships, and friendships. I count it all a blessing because without pressure there is no diamond. It is not easy bearing some of your darkest moments to the world but it becomes easier when you know you were created to withstand the heat.
Still, this chapter must come to a close and this is the end of my chapter with Love & Marriage: Huntsville. I am thankful for the support of those who have shown me grace, loyalty, and love. None of it has gone unnoticed and it will never be forgotten.
I’m excited for my next chapter and what’s to come. God bless.
Your 2024 Reality TV Queen
Melody calls out LAMH production and Destiny Payton for actions at LAMH Reunion.
Melody’s fans and LAMH viewers speculated if she would be leaving after a recent IG Live. During this live, Melody addressed things Destiny Payton brought up during the reunion. In case you missed it, The LAMH trailer and the episode synopsis for each of the three parts were released. The synopsis for part three said, “Destiny claims Martell and Melody groomed her for a 3some.”
Melody was not happy about this at all. She said it was irresponsible for those in charge to run with such serious and defamatory accusations without doing any solid research. Some seem to suspect that a lawsuit from Melody could follow.
Please check out what Melody said below.
Melody is quitting because she is now being exposed. Run chicken. Can dish it but can’t take it.
When was Melody exposed genius? The only people being exposed are jealous fools. Nothing but low vibrational black people. I love how she makes dusties so mad. Black excellence has that effect on yall.
I Totally Agree!
I agree
Are you slow? Like I’m really trying to understand if some of you are stupid. This woman is leaving a show she created because her coworkers watched a revenge p video of her and her boss Carlos King has been trying to destroy her because she didn’t agree to him managing her career. Your jealousy is impacting your brain. Get it together.
Yes they are stupid! Social media has dumbed so many people down unfortunately! The bright side is I’ve seen people who don’t even watch LAMH see the nonsense and point out how unfairly Melody is treated. It was a toxic workplace and this is a common problem on all of Carlos shows.
Wait what?! Carlos has been doing all of this because she didn’t want him to manage her career? Kandi vindicated again!
Carlos is a whole demon and he will get his karma very soon.
That Part!!!
You’re the chicken baby. A true bird.
LOL! I am enjoying the drags already.
Birds are actually intelligent though…Melody’s haters not so much.
This is how I know most of you don’t even watch this show and hate because she’s more successful and attractive than yall 🤷🏾♀️. The only people who can’t take what they dish are the Scotts. All they have ever done is talk about Mel and Martell. Now that producers want them to talk about their own lives and marriages, it’s a problem. Child bye!
Speak On It, Yes’
Lying on Melody isn’t exposing her. Why are you ignoring Carlos King’s toxicity as an employer? Because he’s mistreating someone you don’t like? Okay, just know life can humble you quickly baby.
Since Melody is leaving, I have no interest in the others. They’re so lame. Done with LAMH.
I love Melody! I’m so glad she got rid of that pin head. She’ll be fine.
You’re delusional too.
Melody quit in December right after Latisha got on Carlos podcast and confirmed the whole cast watched the revenge p video. What the f-ck are you even talking about? The way you people make up sh-t in your heads about Melody is mental illness.
What are you going to do now Mary? All you ever do is talk about Melody. Will you even still watch the show?
This. The haters only watched for Melody too. They’ll never admit it but the ratings will.
Me when my brain stops working. Y’all say the dumbest sh-t on here.
Melody left because she has a Brand to protect the others have nothing lets see what the show numbers look like now Melometers won’t be watching the lies these people tell.
Girl Loud and Wrong, she’s tired of not being protected when this was her show, she created this show and the people she helped feed bit her hand, God don’t like ugly and Carlos King and the rest will reap what they’ve sewn
Exactly !! These other folks are fake and watching that reunion I had to turn it off cuz the Melody witch hunt was too much for me . She is an executive producer on the show and w just can’t stand Carlos and his energies plus God don’t like ugly and he gonna get his. Karma is a b-tch and Kandi was right
She needs to leave, because her marriage fell apart she’s trying to break up everyone’s marriage, she’s messy and always in someone else’s business, she’s always spreading people business and when confronted she lies, checking females about Martell, why he’s not your concern, leave please leave cause the show is not about you anymore, you miserable and you want everyone miserable with you, you’re boring and always bragging, girl get a life and a man and move on, I’m glad Tricia checked you and showed you who she is, you need to find something to do and stop being so messy, Kimmy should have went in on you when you talked about her husband, you showed your true colors and it’s not a good look to be so messy, I truly believe you want Martell back or why else would you care about who he’s messing with, you checking females about him, messy messy messy, bye Felicia and don’t let the door knob hit you on the way out, GOOD RIDDANCE, thank you so much for leaving, you’re not that grand as you think you are
You sound real delusional and sound very loud and wrong. If you’ve been watching from season one till now you should know the real truth. What is OK? God got her and that show will go down real fast.. Congratulations To Ms. BLUEPRINT 💙💙💙💙💙💙♟️♟️♟️♟️♟️♟️♟️♟️♟️♟️
It’s always the dusties lol.
This is so true. Anytime I look at the IG profile pic of a Melody hater, it’s always a ki!
Correct. I haven’t seen a pretty and successful hater yet.
I’m going to say this:The show just got to boring. Melody, made her past/current friends to signed these papers to keep their mouths shut. Only Huntsville knew who these people were, Carlos, supposedly been her friend doing things together behind the scenes, now they friendship has ended another bite the dust (her friends). Theses reality shows are very toxic, very toxic. I liked when Kimmi, brought her cancer on the show, worth watching—————-nothing else positive. I think the Fletchers need their own show 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰, they keep it REAL.
And by the way the show want be back Melody, going to make sure the show don’t come back.
That’s My Theory, I have this to say Melody, should have left after the second season (but I guess she needs that check).
You work? I guess you need the check too. Carlos falls out with just about every black woman he works with. They quit his shows left and right. If he was a woman, that would be all you talk about. I see right through yall. ✌🏾
I really think the majority of this fan base has low IQ lol. You were so serious when you wrote this too.
She’s very grand darling. Which is why butter faced haters write delusional comments on here. The only one who wants Martell is you insecure and low self esteem having demons. Get your money up do you can choose to exit a toxic situation that doesn’t serve you too. Maybe you’d be less miserable.
The sh-t I took this morning had more substance than this bullsh-t you wrote. You relate to Kimmi and Latricia because you’re just as basic as them. This dumb a-s fan base just started watching reality television a year ago because there’s no other reason your gullible a-ses don’t understand how a reality show works. Everybody on an ensemble show talks about each other’s business. Nobody gives a f-ck about Kimmi’s raggedy a-s marriage. Maurice was married and took 8 years to marry her desperate male identified a-s. Turn your tiny brain on.
“The sh-t I took this morning had more substance than this bullsh-t you wrote. You relate to Kimmi and Latricia because you’re just as basic as them.”
Never change Ms. Jackson. You’ve been a menace on here since 2010. I appreciate it. LOL.
So many lies and delusions. Are you well? Your last sentence shows your heart. You have a very jealous spirit. That’s not Melody’s problem. Heal.
Ms Tyler, I agreed we didn’t see her do much those (2), function WOW, in every one business. Ms Tyler, she was so focused on bringing down Kimmie, husband regarding his DUI which this case was dismissed (do to lack of evidence—————and they had to DROPPED the charges.
Melody, is what you called:Messy Reality Another One Bite The Dust, instead of being humble and thankful for being on television period. Take Martell, with you too. Hopefully the show will not be back .
Your sentences are barely legible but you think you have some type of master understanding of Melody. It’s hilarious. So Melody was trying to tear Kimmi’s marriage down by bringing up rumors that were on social media? Okay, let’s use your logic. Kimmi tried to tear down Melody when she discussed Martell’s side chick on the show (was the first to say her name) and said she refused to call her a mistress. Kimmi tried to tear Melody down when she brought her mother’s stalker on the show and prepped him on what to say in scenes. Kimmi tried to destroy Melody when she watched the revenge p video of her and said nothing. Kimmi tried to destroy Melody when she made fun of her events and called her name changing ceremony corny despite being a single mother herself. I have so much more since you’ve chosen to be delusional today. Kimmi ain’t no victim. She’s one of the biggest snakes on that platform and her sorority should be ashamed. Stop playing on here.
Kimmi is my soror and I really wish she wasn’t.
I could careless about anything Trisha says a whole husband boyfriend and Martell LOL
Agreed 💯💯💯
You really think the Scotts have marriages worth hating and plotting on? They were cheating right along with Martell. Marsau and Maurice are the only ones destroying their marriages. Marsau liking and accepting naked pictures of women isn’t Mel’s fault. Maurice cheating and staying out late isn’t Mel’s fault either. Y’all just be grateful to have a man look your way. Low self esteem having women like you are a dime a dozen and that’s why Mel triggers you. She’s not like y’all. And thank God for that.
You sound just as stupid as Martell did when he blamed his divorce on Latisha. The only people who can break up a marriage are the people in it Einstein. Who raised you people? Carlos just said he’s not college educated and it really explains why this show is the way it is and what kind of people he wants to watch it. Lamh is clearly not for critical thinkers. So Melody is leaving right on time.
Are you a cast member?
Ignorance at its best I See. (gilipollas !)
I gotta disagree..Tricia need to just go sit down somewhere..I don’t even like her character..maybe it’s that squeaky ass voice and she’s the one who need to get her crap together not knowing whether or not she’s gonna file her divorce me she I feel she don’t want a divorce and for the rest of the crew Kimmy I use to like her but she has began to have a slick mouth and she be in peoples business too..Latisha now all of a sudden she wanna get some balls and start trying to stand up for yourself chile sit down somewhere..and Destiny she’s just a drama queen.
She played this game right. She’s making a fortune with her skincare brand and TikTok partnerships. I hope Marsau does the same because Carlos will make him and Latisha the new targets for speaking out in production.
Marsau and Latisha are the new targets. I hope they are ready. Martell does Carlos’s dirty work.
Have you used her products?
I do and the scrubs are my favorite. What else you got ma’am?
Melody makes a minimum of $30,000 a month with Seventh Avenue. Barbee, I and many others use her products which is why TikTok partnered with her. Successful black women exist. Work on yourself so you hate less.
She left because every snake watched an awful tape to use for their storyline and said nothing. The food truck lady and cousin rode around with choppa threatening Melody and production did nothing. This was a toxic work environment.
I’m so proud of Melody. This really made my morning. I’ve been wanting her to leave for years. The pay isn’t good and the drama isn’t worth it. I’ll continue to buy her products so she can grow her millions. When you’re a beautiful, confident and successful black woman…a lot of people won’t like you and will work to destroy you. But God ❤️
She needs to go ahead and file the lawsuits. Destiny and Carlos are trash right along with Martell. But good for Melody. I already stopped watching and only see clips.
I can’t even remember the last time I watched an episode. I’m glad she’s leaving so these weird fans and cast can find something else to obsess over. The way she triggers people by just existing is…something. She’s too good for this show and network honestly.
Carlos is one of the dumbest and most unprofessional people on production I have ever seen. That lawsuit is coming and Melody won’t be the only one who sues.
Well I’m out and done watching because I only liked Mel and Stormi. The other women are just not my cup of tea.
I wish Melody nothing but the best and I am unsure where the truth resides, however I can say that the entire storyline has become much to messy and each cast member has changed, while really starting to find messier storylines.
The changes in the cast members storyline, makes me wonder if the production teams could be orchestrating much of this foolishness, therefore I encourage all who watch to watch for entertainment purposes only and not believe the hype from any of them.
She stayed longer than she should have. They’ve been piling on her since the beginning. This production company is going to end the same way Big Fish did. It’s never a good idea to operate a show with no limits. Carlos is so thirsty for drama that he doesn’t care who gets hurt. This won’t end well for him.
I know the uglies, degenerates, hood rats and pick me’s are celebrating but congrats to Melody! She doesn’t need the show anymore and I love that for her! Carlos will get his, Dusty too!
Destiny need her a-s whooped. Nobody groomed her stupid a-s. The way she just makes up the most serious accusations is insane. I would sue her for everything she has, even that little storage room she is running that fake a-s business in.
To be honest, the show has ran it’s course. Time for something more positive to come on.
If they act like this in real life, it is so sad. This is my opinion only. It started out great!!
I’m happy for her but I think the show needs to go away completely. It’s not doing the black community any good. It’s very toxic. Carlos King produced shows are very toxic. I think he may be the problem.
Thank you Melody. You fought hard trying to establish quality in a show that was all about money and fame. You also tolerated a lot of unnecessary garbage; as many tried to belittle you. I enjoyed your time and was ready to go as well
Certainly with you leaving, I will.not be wasting my time. FLY HIGH! Enjoy life to the fullest- I love your tenacity and strength.
She freed herself and me too because I’ll never watch an episode again. Belle Collective is the only thing I’ll be watching on OWN.
I think the legal process has begun already because Carlos couldn’t even say her name on Monday. She needs to sue OWN too.
LAMH about to be a wrap, the QUEEN has left the castle. Carlos I thought you loved ALL THE GIRLS, yet the list is growing MONIQUE, WINTER,STORMI,AIKISHA,SO GUCCI and the QUEEN herself MELODY.
The Melo-haters are just DUMB!!!!
Very dumb. I can’t stand them.
You can add raggedy, basic, and envious to that as well. They carry the same hate for any black woman who doesn’t fit a ghetto stereotype. If Melody was ghetto and stayed in that marriage they would love her. Losers.
Melody was the last bit of class this show had. Carlos will now make it as ghetto and ratchet as possible. I’m out.
Good for Melody — I wish her much success in the new chapter of her life.
Melody was the only black woman on this platform worth a d-mn. Stormi and her evil Disney character looking momma were hood rat trash. Stormi tried to blame her failing business on melometers when Canvas Beauty had a F rating on the Better Business Bureau before she even paid her way onto the show. Since leaving LAMH Stormi has amassed nothing but more lawsuits and debt. So good riddance to her.
Latisha stays in a loveless marriage because her hood rat momma told her she can’t survive without Marsau who has done nothing but used her for her good credit.
Kimmi is another pathetic excuse for a woman. She waited 8 years for Lemon Head to finally make an honest woman out of her but she still hangs on to the side chick mentality for dear life. That’s why she loves Arionne so much. Her foul a-s can relate to f-cking a married man. She somehow became a worse person after cancer. How much longer will her and Maurice pretend they aren’t having money problems?
Latricia can barely talk and we need closed caption to understand what her weird a-s is trying to say. She came on the show with her side dude and husband but still found time to possibly f-ck Martell. Now we just learned she lied about being an engineer and she’s only with Ken because she’s broke as f-ck.
Nell and Chris are elder losers. Nell tried to “counsel” Mel to stay with Martell while Chris was finding Martell women to cheat with.
Melody is hated because she’s a beautiful black woman the cockroaches of the black community can’t take down. She left a beady eyed cheating degenerate and became wealthier. Now she can leave this raggedy a-s show that pays these clowns peanuts. They’ll destroy each other for ratings while she’s gone. Good job Mel. It is finished and so am I.
The fact that you left out Destiny is hilarious. Like she is such a nonfactor to everyone. But that’s the problem. Nobody is a star on here but Melody. That is why they always attach themselves to her for a storyline. They know the fans/haters, network and blogs only care about Mel. This show is done.
Melody’s haters and fans have typical responses on here but as a neutral fan of the show I can say without a doubt that Melody leaving is not good for LAMH. The cast and producers made this show completely about Melody. Now the only source of content is gone. This is bad. Carlos ego has made him lose multiple cast members on multiple shows. Very bad.
Well Melody is the show rather her haters want to admit it or not so I know I won’t be watching next season. I really can’t relate to anyone left. Outside of Melody, these people are fake black excellence. They have more in common with the Zeus Network people.
Destiny have Nothing, that’s why she’s trying to stay relevant on this s#@^show 🙄 CK is a joke (my opinion)…I stopped watching after Destiny’s lied at the opening of her beauty supply Flop that’s why it didn’t last God don’t bless no mess….
Good luck Melody. I will not longer be watching the show since you are leaving. You are the best and God Has great plans for your future.
I’m proud that Melody decided to choose peace her children her mother (Ms.Van Rodgers) nothing like a praying mother and family along with her genuine friends and let’s not forget her fans, Melody have endured some tough times on this show along with the attacks from her ex husband (Martell Holt) and her cast members as we have seen season after season, I don’t care how you try to tell people the truth some days people would rather believe a lie than the truth if it would slap them in the face so too say, I congratulate Melody Shari Rodgers peace and blessings over her life may God take her to higher heights.🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️♟️♟️♟️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I don’t know if Mel is going to sue Carlos but she d-mn well should.