LHHMIA Highlights: Trina Supports Husband’s Mistreatment of Bobby + Allan Cuts off Florence

Photo Credit: VH1/YouTube

Trina stands by her man’s treatment of Bobby.

The episode picks up after Swurv dumps his drink all over Bobby. Trina’s brother Snoop thinks this is hilarious and tells producers he hopes Swurv does it again. Bobby is in disbelief as he takes in what Trina’s husband did to him.

Hawt Topic continues to blame Bobby for news about Trina’s marriage being leaked. Bobby gains his composure and says Hawt Topic was responsible for the leak. And he knows for sure that she is the one who runs the blog that broke the story.

Trina and Swurv begin to make their exit. Bobby tells Trina she is wrong for allowing her husband to violate him. But she doesn’t have any empathy for Bobby and sides with Swurv. Swurv also isn’t remorseful and says Bobby deserved what he got for arguing at Trina’s event to celebrate their wedding.

Bobby is done with the newlyweds and he’s back to hating Swurv.

Marlon no longer wants to reconcile with Florence.

Florence invites her mother, Gaelle, and Marlon to meet at a bakery. While they eat cake, she learns it was her mother who told Marlon that she was in the recording studio with Allan. She calls everyone out for not being loyal and credits Allan for being there for her before storming out.

Marlon says he is done trying to get back together with Florence.

Eliza hosts an event to celebrate the launch of her Foreign castor oil. She’s grateful her daughter Shamya and granddaughter came out to support.

Brooke frustrates Ray J.

Brooke and Princess chat before Marcus and Ray J arrive at their agreed meeting spot. Princess tells Brooke that Bobby told her she was laughing while she was fighting Amara and Estelita. Brooke denies laughing but producers flashback to her doing just that. Regardless, she claims she wasn’t laughing about the altercation. Hawt Topic was making jokes.

Princess still feels like Amara deserved to be slapped. She mentions that Ray J told her that he went to Amara’s house after their business meeting and he smelled her…hot pocket.

Brooke wonders if the heart of it all is Princess still has romantic feelings for Ray J. Princess clarifies that she has no desire to ever get back together with Ray J. Him telling her that cheating on her with strippers and *********** doesn’t count was the last straw.

When Ray J and Marcus arrive, Brooke and Princess ask Ray J if sleeping with strippers and *********** still doesn’t count. Ray J becomes irritated. He ends the meeting after a tipsy Brooke brings up him supposedly smelling Amara’s hot pocket.

Allan ends his time with Florence.

Allan confronts Florence about repeating the things he told her to Amara during an argument. He thinks it was low of her to use the information he told her about their daughters as a way to get even during an argument. He points out how harmful Florence’s actions are to his and Amara’s co-parenting relationship. In order to keep the peace, he has to be done with Florence. This news is upsetting to Flo.

Brooke gives Amara a rundown on her recent meeting with Princess and Ray J. Amara says Ray J did not smell her hot pocket and he’s likely using her just to anger Princess.

Angela celebrates being two years sober by throwing a celebration. Amara is encouraged by Brooke to go talk to Princess so they can end the bad blood.

The episode ends before they begin their conversation.

What are your thoughts on the episode?


  1. Trina is a joke and so is her stalking husband. He saw her as a money grab and she’s too dumb to see that. It’s not gonna last. Mark my words. Bobby deserves better from his cousin and she continues to sh** on him. Family or no family, I’d be done with her. And Flo’s outrage at everyone was comical. 🤣 Yes, everybody plays in your face and you got played AGAIN, by Allan. 😂😂😂 You literally can’t make this sh** up. You’re basically an easy target. Get yourself together. Focus on your career and kids. And I’m tired of Brooke and Marcus butting themselves in everybody’s business when their relationship is fckd up. 🙄 She needs to work on her music and stop trying to therapize (I know this is not a real word. 😂) ppl. And if I was Amara, I wouldn’t say sh** to Princess. She know exactly how trifling her husband is. 🙄 He is literally dating the trash of Miami now. I bet she won’t fight her. 🤭 She too pretty to be acting like a goofy.

    1. I totally agree with everything Ms. Te Te said. I’m going to add what kind of man throws or pours a drink on another man. I’ve been over Trina since season 2. She thinks the world revolves around her and like she’s better than everyone. Showing up late for appearances is not professional. I don’t know how trick daddy been putting up with her for so long. Princess knew Amara isn’t about that life, she definitely won’t try that mess with Suki.

  2. I don’t watch the show but from what I have seen, arent Bobbi and Trina late in life cousins? Meaning they barely knew each other before this? He may be seeking from her something she just doesn’t feel. Even so, family or no family sometikes you have to let people go

    1. @Blackrose No offense, but not watching the show yet commenting is like a vegetarian judging a barbecue contest. Please take a seat. Bye Felicia.

  3. I can tell some of you are young but umm, Princess isn’t afraid of anyone lmao. She had to learn how to box when she was running with Floyd Mayweather. She hasn’t lost a fight yet lmfao. Suki is no one to be afraid of honestly. She got beat up on Baddies and been running since. No one is scared of Suki. Princess doesn’t want Ray. Slapping Amara was about the principle because they were supposed to be friends. Princess is with John Boyega.

  4. @Gossip Girl Yeah, we young but we got good common sense. Princess slapping Amara was so lame! Ray J is a big liar with a shady past, present, and future. And Princess knows that. Get real: Ole girl slapped Amara because she knew Amara wouldn’t hit back. I thought it was very childish of Princess to lay hands on somebody when she is supposedly over Ray J. I laughed when she asked Ray J if he went over Amara’s house. She sure was pressed to find out. I bet Finn didn’t like watching that! But, I do give Princess a lot of credit for pulling John “Finn” Boyega. He’s super fine! 😍🥰

  5. @Legend Yes, she most definitely is inauthentic. But I like her a lot. And I really like her daughter. It felt good to see them together at Eli’s product launch event.

  6. I don’t blame Ray J for being angry with Brooke. She needs to STAY in her place. If someone is in her marriage with Marcus she wouldn’t like that at all. Swerve should have just walked off from Bobby instead of pouring 🫗 a drink on him. That wasn’t warranted

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